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In a digital-first era where APIs power the seamless flow of information, Bank Rakyat Indonesia (BRI) has emerged as a trailblazer. Its BRIAPI Developer Portal has been honored with the prestigious ‘Best API Initiative’ award at the Global Retail Banking Innovation Awards 2024, placing it at the forefront of global financial innovation.
Read moreBRIAPI API Certification that we have developed facilitates the automation of SIT testing. We provide a testing runner through pre-prepared test cases, allowing developers to input API requests according to related test cases. Then, partners can hit the API endpoint for the SIT testing process that is appropriate to the selected product. If the API requests submitted by the partner align with the expected results we have defined, the test case is deemed successful. Upon successful execution of all test cases, with all API requests having passed status, the SIT testing process conducted by the partner is considered complete. Then, partners can download an online certificate document as proof of the validity of the conducted testing.
Read moreBRIAPI DevStudio is a platform based on an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) designed to help developers integrate their business with BRIAPI services. This platform is expected to help BRIAPI partners in solving problems caused by a lack of knowledge during the initial integration process, such as technical implementation difficulties, trouble understanding technical specifications, API service workflows, etc. Addressing these issues could help BRIAPI partners accelerate the launch of their developed products or services.
Read moreThe BRIAPI Awards 2022 was one of BRI's commitment in providing excellent and optimal digital banking services to support Indonesia's digital economic growth. This award was also intended to contribute to the expansion of inclusive economic services implementation across all financial sectors in Indonesia. Therefore, it was hoped that BRIAPI services will further advance the Indonesian economy through an efficient, secure, and reliable digital ecosystem.
Read moreThrough this Hackathon competition, BRI aimed to invite technology enthusiasts in Indonesia to contribute in line by driving the digitalization of the economy alongside MSMEs. This competition was also in line with the theme of this competition, which was Supporting Indonesia's Digital Economy based on Small Medium Enterprises (SMEs) for Brilliant Indonesia. BRI wished that this activity could bring forth applications that address the issues of MSMEs and could benefit the general public in Indonesia.
Read moreAlthough BRIVA has become one of the highly profitable products for BRI, BRIAPI continues to strive for the optimization of this product. One such effort is to conduct knowledge enhancement related to BRIVA submission followed by SNAP, aiming to enhance the understanding of BRI employees in the onboarding process for BRIAPI partner submissions. This condition is made to provide excellent and optimal services to all BRIAPI partners and BRI customers across Indonesia
Read moreThe use of SNAP has good potential to maintain the payment ecosystem in Indonesia. Implementing SNAP is not only beneficial for business actors but also could be beneficial for customers. On the other hand, the implementation of SNAP also varies, starting from payment service providers (PJP), banking, non-PJP, and merchants, including MSMEs for individual customers. With this standardization, the government could carry out continuous supervision of payment mechanisms in Indonesia to protect consumers and organizers from possible cybercrime and fraud.
Read moreBRI realizes that supporting the development of SNAP BI services in Indonesia is not only performed by optimizing the technology used but also by optimizing human resources (HR). Therefore, BRI has performed SNAP BI knowledge enhancements of SNAP BI services to employees in its regional offices, especially to employees who have direct contact with the implementation of SNAP BI services at the operational level.
Read moreBRIAPI answers the challenges of developing digital technology in banking with ease of transactions, safe and fast processes, as well as compliance with government regulatory systems that are guaranteed to be safe.
Read moreThe definition of a payment system is a system that includes a set of rules, institutions, and mechanisms used to transfer funds to fulfill an obligation arising from an economic activity.
Read moreThe role of Micro Finance Institutions (LKM) on Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) has a significant impact. MFIs play a role as a bridge that provides access to funding, management, and consulting facilities for the middle to lower economic community.
Read moreThe development of digital technology is currently increasingly massive, one of which is in the banking sector. Digital banking continues to evolve and produce various innovations to answer the needs and meet the lifestyles of people who have now transformed into digital forms.
Read moreCurrently, there are many corporate partners who cooperate with BRIAPI. BRIAPI provides convenience by offering digital payment instruments. In this way, it can be seen that indeed BRIAPI has participated in the evolution of the payment system in Indonesia.
Read moreThe development of banking in the digital era is increasing rapidly. For companies, universities, governments, or similar third parties, BRIAPI services can be the main choice so that businesses can be digitized and adapt to technological advances.
Read moreIncrease the productivity of the role of microfinance institutions (MFIs) in Indonesia in helping MSMEs with digital transformation. This is a BRIAPI product that facilitates the process of going digital for MFIs.
Read moreSNAP itself has governance guidelines as a standard for digital payment systems. The usefulness of SNAP is not only as language standardization, but also useful as supervision and improvement of financial services.
Read moreSNAP Bank Indonesia was created to standardize language, governance, security protocols and payment data. The goal is to establish a digital payment ecosystem that is reliable, competitive and protects consumer data.
Read moreImplementation of open banking using the API system. With the benefits of the API, companies that collaborate with banks can get access to consumer data for the use of their services and provide various benefits for the industry.
Read moreInnovation is increasingly massive thanks to various integrations through open banking. But on the other hand, there has been an increase in the exchange and processing of customer data. How does BRI implement banking risk management in BRIAPI services?
Read moreBasically, open banking is one of the new breakthroughs in the banking sector that is able to make financial transactions and services easier,faster,integrated,and practical. Therefore, it is not surprising that many people are interested in one of these banking services
Read moreBasically, the disruption of digital technology in banking is one of the impacts of the Industrial Revolution 4.0. Therefore, digital technology is important for banking services so that they can quickly meet the expectations of the Indonesian people. One of them is by using the BRIAPI service from Bank BRI.
Read moreThe era of disruption is a time of many changes that affect various aspects of life, including banking. This is how BRI competes in this era, with BRIAPI.
Read moreTechnological disruption is a fundamental transformation as a whole related to the digital technology development system. For example, the role of humans is starting to be replaced by robots that bring goodness, namely making work easier. However, technological disruption can also have a negative impact on businesses.
Read moreBRIAPI is a payment system programming for e-commerce with API owned by Bank BRI. This system allows the integration process between the BRI bank system and various third party applications. Until 2022, BRIAPI has collaborated with more than 700 partners, both government agencies, educational institutions, to marketplaces and fintech companies. The presence of this technology will make it easier for you to use payment features with BRI services.
Read moreE-commerce is the advanced technology we hear about today. The growth of e-commerce in Indonesia has increased sharply after the pandemic. At the beginning of 2020, online business transactions increased by around 33% and is projected to continue to increase every year. This happens because there are many benefits offered by e-commerce.
Read moreWith the proliferation of digital transaction applications in Indonesia, BRI through the development of BRIAPI seeks to support the increasingly massive use of payment gateways in Indonesia.
Read moreDigital banking solutions such as payment gateways have been developed over the past decade to meet the growing need for secure online transactions for all parties.
Read moreLately, financial technology or FinTech is booming. The increasing need for funding is one of the reasons the FinTech industry is growing rapidly. In line with the vision of financial inclusion, BRI also supports FinTech development in Indonesia through BRIAPI. By integrating the open banking technology, FinTech companies can have access to BRI digital banking services.
Read moreThe future of open banking in Indonesia is expected to be brighter. It successfully changes the way transactions are made while helping businesses to organize their finances. As a driver of open banking, BRIAPI provides access to the more convenient, secure, faster, and easier digital banking services.
Read moreThe seemingly unstoppable increasing needs drive people to use electronic transactions more than ever. Eventually, it makes us a part of a cashless society, an economic phenomenon where people use non-cash payment instruments for every financial transaction.
Read moreDigital transformation has become the key to keeping it up to date with today's conditions. As a leading bank, BRI strives to encourage digital transformation in the country. As a result, our customers are now rapidly transforming into a digital society. See how BRI encourages its implementation through BRIAPI.
Read moreSandbox functions as a virtual ecosystem for various trials, from product development to cybersecurity testing. While it ensures the product's compatibility with the existing system, the trial also guarantees the product from various security risks.
Read moreThe open banking initiative aims to drive digital transformation and establish banks as key institutions in the digital financial economy. To implement the initiative, Bank Indonesia formulated Indonesian Open API Framework to assist open banking development in a structured manner.
Read moreToday, Virtual Accounts are one of the digital payment methods that are often used by the public. By understanding it, you can consider a Virtual Account to complete the payment method.
Read moreThanks to digital payments, consumers can conduct any transaction without bringing cash in their hands. In fact, convenience and security have become key factors compared to traditional payment methods.
Read moreMSMEs have been severely impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. As a result, the digitization of MSMEs is carried out to maintain the business. In fact, 8 out of 10 MSME businesses say that the use of digital platforms has helped them run their business in difficult times.
Read moreToday, e-commerce and all businesses have been increasingly going digital. Collaborative research shows in the next 5 years, more than 50 percent of digital business revenue will come from online sources. As matter of fact, digital business is not just 'selling online'. Beyond that, digital businesses focus on the use of technology. So, companies can offer competitive advantages over their competitors.
Read moreIn 2022, open banking is predicted to be even more promising. It’s good to be true, since open banking is a clear manifestation of banking digitalization. With it, companies will be fully prepared to face various challenges that await in the future. As one of the banking digitalization pillars, open banking allows any bank to open their customers' financial data and information to third parties.
Read morePayment systems continue to evolve from time to time. Payment instruments that used to be cash-based have evolved into paper-based and card-based ones. Thus, dramatic changes in payment systems and instruments require all players, including MSMEs to evolve and be more flexible in providing payment options.
Read moreKeeping up with tech development has become super essential for businesses to maintain their solid business performance. Implementing the latest tech trends will help your business adapt to the digital era, survive through crises, and add competitive edges against other business players. In this more advanced digital era, cross-sector collaboration is inevitable, and various tech advancements are presented to answer these needs, such as open API. API or Application Programming Interface will seamlessly connect one application with another by bridging several features amongst them. There are numerous types of APIs you can implement, one of them is the Open Banking API. From providing hassle-free mass payment services to building an integrated technology platform, API Banking certainly brings advantages for businesses and developers.
Read moreAPI sandbox is a feature for simulating and testing Application Programming Interface (API). For developers, those activities are pivotal. Before integrating API in the production environment, they must be aware of errors that could occur in the integration process. Thus, as an API service provider, BRIAPI provides an API sandbox that helps developers to simulate and test APIs. It allows them to create conditions similar to production behavior on their platforms.
Read moreThe rise of the digital economy encourages people to be more active in online business, especially in the marketplace business. Bank Indonesia has even projected that online transactions through marketplaces will grow up to 33.2% in 2021. This is still coupled with Open API presence to support marketplace that makes it easier for businessmen to provide online payment systems Besides, the data from BI also highlights that Indonesia is one of several countries that will develop massively in the digital economy sector. According to a research by Google, Temasek, and Bain titled E-conomy SEA 2019, Indonesia’s digital economy GMV is predicted to reach US$130 Billion in 2025. In addition, according to Bank Indonesia, the value of digital transactions will have a double digit growth with e-commerce increasing by 33.2% and banking 19.1% year-on-year by this year.
Read moreIn the midst of rapid development of technology and digitalization, payment systems have also been evolving. The constantly changing transaction mechanisms that demand fast and practical payments make cash payment roles progressively replaced by non-cash payment instruments. According to Bank Indonesia, in 2019 the value of cashless transactions reached Rp128 trillion, an increase of five times from 2014 which was around Rp3.3 trillion. This means that the evolution of payments is really happening right now.
Read moreNowadays, payment systems are getting faster and more efficient thanks to the open banking scheme. With this practice, a bank can provide access to customer data and information to third parties through an API (Application Programming Interface) in accordance with their authority. Nevertheless, security factors should not be underestimated, especially when it concerns the use of customer information and data. Thus, BRIAPI as an open banking product for Bank BRI uses an API key as the first security gate.
Read moreNowadays, we often use digital payment methods to make purchases in the marketplace. But, have you ever wondered how the process goes? How do banks and marketplaces connect with each other? In that seemingly invisible process, Application Programming Interface or API comes in.
Read moreIt is undeniable that digital disruption due to the Industrial Revolution 4.0 has an impact on cross-industry businesses. Digital disruption really creates new conditions for businesses due to the easy access and flow of information flowing through digital platforms. It doesn't stop there, the COVID-19 pandemic attack in 2020 also seems to be forcing us to transform our business to be more ready to face the digital era. Here are some things that you must prepare to transform your business to welcome the digital era
Read moreFinancial inclusion is a condition where every community has access to various quality, on time, smooth and safe formal financial services at affordable costs according to their individual needs and abilities. Based on the Survei Nasional Literasi Keuangan (SNLIK) conducted by the Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (OJK) in 2019, Indonesia's financial inclusion index stood at 76.19%. This figure has increased by 8.39% when compared to the previous 3 years. The increase in the financial inclusion index is certainly a positive sign regarding equitable economic growth in Indonesia.
Read moreAlong with the rapidly growing number of Internet users in Indonesia, the number of e-commerce users is also growing rapidly. According to GlobalWebIndex in 2019, Indonesia is the country with the highest e-commerce adoption rate in the world. As many as 90% of internet users aged 16-64 years have already experienced online shopping. Global management consultant McKinsey & Company even stated that Indonesia's e-commerce market capitalization value will reach USD 40 billion by 2022.
Read moreIn contrast to domestic trade which only uses one currency, a business that has penetrated international market is required to monitor the exchange rate of the country with which the business is trading. It is because every day, foreign currencies are always changing and even fluctuating. One time, rupiah is stronger compared to other currencies (appreciation). But other times, it weakens or what we call commonly as depreciation.
Read moreBRI is once again recognized as a world-class bank by ranking 112 of the best banks in the world and becoming the number one bank in Indonesia in the list of "1000 Best World Banks in 2020" issued by The Banker. This is assessed based on growth rate, profit, asset quality, operational efficiency, return on risk, liquidity, and others.
Read moreOnline transactions have become more common in the digital age. Ever since the pandemic arrived, it has accelerated the digitization process in literally all fields including business. At a time when people's mobility is becoming more and more limited, online transactions become an option to meet various needs ranging from primary needs such as food, drinks, and other household supplies to tertiary needs (gadgets, automotive, or other hobbies).
Read moreOnline payment system is an absolute feature that businesses must provide to consumers amidst a pandemic situation. This is due to consumers preferring to shop online rather than coming directly to the store. Bank Indonesia (BI) reported that during the pandemic the number of digital transactions continued to grow. The value of digital banking transactions has reached IDR 2,774.5 trillion or increased by 13.91% as per December 2020.
Read moreThe more successful the business, the more complicated its transactional processes, and the more intricate the cash flow is. However, Open Banking API served the best solution for businesses to manage its banking transactions hassle-free. BRI through BRIAPI will enable quick and easy integration of BRI financial services and products into your business dashboard for a seamless company financial management and bank’s Cash Management System (CMS).
Read moreAs the largest bank in Indonesia, BRI actively take part in realizing Indonesia Payment System Blueprint 2025 by developing Open Banking through the creation of BRIAPI. This is one of BRI efforts in digital transformation and big-data utilization to support financial industry
Read moreThe rise of digital transactions has driven Indonesia's Open API trend. Currently, the demands for digital transformation are increasing due to the pandemic that requires many activities to be carried out virtually. From educational to trading activities, all must be done online. According to Bank Indonesia (BI), Indonesia growth in digital transactions in 2021 is expected to skyrocket, with a significant acceleration of digital banking and e-commerce transactions. It is mainly a clear consequence of the COVID-19 pandemic that encourages consumers to adapt, shifting their behaviour of shopping from offline stores to digital platforms.
Read moreMaking payments via bank transfer manually can be a little annoying either for business owners or customers. From the customers’ side, they have to confirm after making transactions by sending a transfer slip or their mobile banking screenshot. On the other hand, the business owners must confirm the payments manually.
Read moreLiving in the digital era of 4.0, we would rely on easy and fast banking transactions, thus many digital businesses offer easier, faster and simpler payment transactions. However, if a business cannot offer such privileges, it will most likely lose the customers. Based on a study, the drop-off rate from online stores reached 70%, because the customers do not like the complicated process when they are making payments.
Read moreBRI has devoted itself to providing more ATMs (Automated Teller Machines) throughout the country to boost the banking access and services for customers. As a result, BRI is the bank with the most ATMs in Indonesia. In September 2019, BRI had 20.864 ATMs and 3.209 CRM (Cash Recycle Machine).
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