API sandbox is a feature for simulating and testing Application Programming Interface (API). For developers, those activities are pivotal. Before integrating API in the production environment, they must be aware of errors that could occur in the integration process.

Thus, as an API service provider, BRIAPI provides an API sandbox that helps developers to simulate and test APIs. It allows them to create conditions similar to production behavior on their platforms.

What is an API sandbox?

Ilustrasi sandbox

Following what has been mentioned above, an API sandbox is a feature that allows developers to imitate the characteristics of a production environment in a dedicated testing environment. Within the sandbox, developers create simulated responses from all APIs the application relies on. In BRIAPI, only registered users can use this feature. 

API sandbox is important because before deploying APIs in a production environment, they have to be tested first. Therefore, it is necessary to have a suitable environment that reflects the real use of the API. Similar to a sandbox that allows you to build anything in it, BRIAPI sandbox also helps you to create a production-like environment before integrating the API within the real system.

You can modify and add other products as needed there. Every time you create a new portal application, you will get consumer key and consumer secret as credentials to access the BRIAPI Sandbox Environment.

5 benefits of BRIAPI sandbox

In addition to testing and simulating APIs, there are five other benefits that you can find in the BRIAPI sandbox. Below are the benefits of BRIAPI sandbox:

  1. Provide basic components

    The BRIAPI sandbox provides any basic component you need for performing common tasks. That way, you can focus on the unique components of your application and waste no time doing basic tasks.

  2. Perform continuous simulation

    Once you have registered with BRIAPI, you can use the BRIAPI sandbox to perform simulations as continuously and freely as possible, depending on your integration needs.

  3. Run testing sessions

    The BRIAPI sandbox also allows developers to perform System Integration Testing (SIT) and Unit Acceptance Testing (UAT).

  4. Reduce the risk of integration failure

    Simulation is crucial to find API incompatibility with the product development process. Therefore, you can maximize the BRIAPI sandbox to discover loopholes in the integration process.

  5. Improve user experience

    An API sandbox allows developers to perform various tests with any API from BRIAPI. This means that it improves developers’ user experience since they start and finish the onboarding process.

If you want to experience all of the BRIAPI sandbox benefits above, start by registering yourself here. Follow the registration flow and take note of each point before you use the BRIAPI API sandbox.

5 best practices for the BRIAPI sandbox

 A developer uses BRIAPI sandbox

To get the most out of your BRIAPI sandbox, you must understand how to use it properly. For that, you can follow these five best practices tips using the sandbox API below:

  1. Understand all API information

    Before doing any test in the BRIAPI sandbox, you must first understand all the information related to the API.

    To do this, answer the following questions: (1) what is the purpose of the API you are testing, and (2) what is the workflow of your application and where does the API stand in that workflow.

  2. Observe the API output status

    Generally, the output status of an API test is in the form of response codes. Depending on your test scenario, you can determine whether or not an API can be used in your production based on the response codes you get.

  3. Focus on API-specific functions

    A single API has different uses from another. For example, although these two are transactional APIs, BRIZZI API and BRIVA API clearly have different functions.

    Therefore, in API testing, try to keep it as simple as possible. To do that, you should finish an API test at a time first to make sure everything is working properly. If there is a scenario that requires you to call more than one API, ensure yourself that you have already tested each API and all of them are running smoothly.

  4. Create similar production behavior as possible

    The BRIAPI sandbox is where you simulate real production. Therefore, you also have to create a production behavior as similar as possible to the real process you are doing.

    If you don't create a similar situation in the API sandbox, you could repeat the testing in the future due to different production behavior between your platform and API sandbox—which, of course, goes against the purpose of a sandbox.

  5. Separate production data from sandbox data

    An API sandbox should be isolated from your internal platform. Remember that its function is to allow developers to simulate, not to integrate your production data with dummy data in the BRIAPI sandbox.

    If you are not careful, it can cause problems in the product development process. Even worse, your private information could be exposed to unknown parties.

Now you have understood the role of an API sandbox and how to optimize it. In the BRIAPI sandbox, you can simulate and test various APIs, from transactional APIs such as BRIZZI and BRIVA up to informational APIs including Account Statement and the Account Information. You can create conditions similar to your product environment and adjust the API to your application.