A. Terms and Conditions (Access to the BRI API Sandbox)

Terms of Use for the Web BRI API Sandbox

Thank you for visiting BRI API. First, we explain the following:

  1. PT. Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero), Tbk, hereinafter referred to as “Bank BRI”
  2. Website Application Programming Interface, hereinafter referred to as “BRI API Service”
  3. Visitors or users of BRI API Services are hereinafter referred to as "Client"

For security and convenience, BRI Bank has prepared several provisions for the use of BRI API Services for Clients through https://developers.bri.co.id

1. About Terms of Use

Clients are required to read the terms of use carefully before using the BRI API Service. These terms of use apply to all clients, both individuals and companies who access or use the BRI API. By accessing or using the BRI API Service, it means that the Client agrees to comply with all of these terms of use.

2. Use of Services by Corporate Clients or Business Entities

In the event that the use of the Service is carried out by an appointed party or a representative of the Client in the form of a company or other legal entity, the Client represents and guarantees that the appointed representative has the authority to act for and on behalf of the Client's company.

3. Registration

To access and use the features of the BRI API Service, the Customer is required to provide valid identity information and ensure that any registration information provided to Bank BRI is valid and up-to-date. The customer must immediately inform BRI Bank if there is a change in the customer's data.

Sandbox access registration can be done via the web (BRI API portal) while Production access must fill out and sign the provided form and send it to the Related Division.

4.  Compliance with Laws

The client and/or his representative must comply with the terms of use and other relevant legal provisions that apply. Customers are not allowed to use the BRI API Service for acts against the law and against the law. The use of the BRI API Service is subject to the prevailing laws and regulations in the Republic of Indonesia.

5. Access the BRI API Sandbox

The BRI API Sandbox is part of the BRI API Service, the Sandbox is used to test and verify between users and the BRI API Service owner database (dummy database). Customers are only allowed to access the BRI API Sandbox through the procedures described on the BRI API website documentation. Customers are required to use data obtained from Bank BRI in accordance with their rights and authorities, and maintain data confidentiality. Customers are not allowed to cover and/or hide their identity in any form when using the BRI API Sandbox.

6. Data BRI API Sandbox

Client acknowledges and agrees that data accessed through the BRI API Sandbox is dummy information (not actual data). Bank BRI has the right to change and / or delete this data at any time without prior notification.

7. BRI API Sandbox Restrictions

Bank BRI has the right to determine limits on the use of the BRI API for each Client, for example the type and number of transactions per second (TPS) that can be accessed. If the Client wants to use the type of Service and the number of TPS exceeds the specified limit, the Client can contact the BRI API support team helpdesk_BRI API@bri.co.id. In connection with this, the Client agrees to the limitation and will not try to access things outside the available services as listed in the documentation of each BRI API Service.

8. Monitoring

Client acknowledges and agrees that Bank BRI has the right to access and monitor Client accounts in order to maintain security and quality of services or other matters that may affect the operational activities of BRI Bank. With these considerations and reasons, BRI Bank has the right to terminate Client account access and delete the account.

9. Use of Forums on the BRI API

The BRI API Forum is a medium for communication and sharing between BRI API users and BRI API service owners. In this forum, the owner of the BRI API Service will notify in the form of announcements or information related to the BRI API Service (updatem maintenance or other things), in this forum the user can also interact with other users regarding the use of the BRI API.

  1. Client is fully responsible for the posts, comments, input and suggestions sent.
  2. The use of this forum is only for the needs of using the BRI API Service.
  3. Clients are not allowed to post anything that contains advertisements, slander, contains elements of violence, racism, SARA, pornography, threats, hatred, terror, inappropriate comments, and/or other things that violate the law, decency , and/or public order.
  4. Clients are not allowed to post and/or disseminate things that are protected by intellectual property rights of other parties without first obtaining written permission from the owner of the intellectual property rights.

10. Prohibition

In using BRI API Service, Client is prohibited from:

  1. Transferring the rights and authority to use the BRI API Service to other parties in any way.
  2. Create an API Service that functions the same as the BRI API and offer it for use by any other party.
  3. Take actions with the intention of disrupting the operational activities and/or BRI API Services with viruses, worms, trojans, spyware, ransomware malware or in any way that is destructive..
  4. Interfere with BRI API operations and services by using any means and forms.

In the event that the Client does the prohibited things mentioned above, then all losses suffered by the Bank as a result of the prohibition by the Client will be the responsibility of the Client, and the Bank has the right to take legal steps for violations of the prohibition by the Client.


BRI Bank with certain considerations has the right to terminate and/or terminate Client access to the BRI API Service. After Bank BRI terminates and/or terminates the Client's access to the BRI API Service, the Client must immediately delete the cache or stored content.

1. Bank BRI is not responsible for the following matters:

  • Claims from third parties due to loss of profits, income and or due to the use of BRI API Services
  • All costs and losses, either directly or indirectly, as a result of the Client's use of the BRI API Service.

2. The client must be responsible and indemnify BRI Bank, Directors, Commissioners and employees of BRI against all liabilities, damages, losses, costs (including legal fees) and other costs related to all accusations from other parties that may arise as a result of, among others:

  • Misuse of the use of the Service by the Client or the Client's end users; and/or
  • Violation of the terms of use by the Client or Client end users.

11. About Use of Promotion and Marketing

To promote, market, or demonstrate the services used, Bank BRI can produce and distribute, among others, images, photos, videos and other content related to the Client's name, brand/logo and tagline. The Client hereby grants to Bank BRI all the rights and approvals required for the purposes referred to above.

12. Additions and Changes to Rules

Bank BRI has the right to change and/or add to the terms of use of the BRI API Service, things that are not and have not been regulated in this provision will be submitted by Bank BRI through any means with applicable legal provisions.

B. Use of BRIAPI - Data Production

The Terms and Conditions for using the BRI API Service are legally binding between PT. Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero), Tbk, hereinafter referred to as the Bank, as the first party; and the user of the BRI API Service, either for himself or on behalf of a non-individual entity (legal entity, business entity, etc.) based on a Power of Attorney or other legal document to act on behalf, hereinafter referred to as the Client, as the second party, as required and conditions attached below. Client, declares to be subject to the terms and conditions of the BRI API Service.

1. The term

  1. Bank is PT. Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero), Tbk which includes Head Office, Regional offices, Special Branch Offices, Branch Offices, Sub-Branch Offices and other offices which are an integral part of PT. Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero), Tbk.
  2. BRIAPI (BRI Application Programming Interface) is a type of service that connects banking products/services owned by BRI with products/services owned by customers, both individual and non-individual customers, so that these customers can create a product/service through applications that are owned and integrated directly with products/services owned by BRI.
  3. Client is a customer who has been registered as a user of the BRI API Service.
  4. Corporate ID is the code on the BRI API that is given to the Client to show the identity of the company / institution that must be entered when accessing the BRI API.
  5. BRI API Helpdesk is an information/assistance service related to BRI API Services which can be contacted via telephone number 14017 or via email address briapi.contact@bri.co.id.
  6. Password is a combination of letters (capital - small) and numbers which is a secret password that must be entered when accessing the BRI API Service.
  7. User ID holder is an individual who is authorized by the Client to be able to access the BRI API Service.
  8. Customer is an individual, fund business entity or other institution that has a savings account or a loan at a bank.
  9. User Admin is a user ID given by BRI to a Client who has the authority and responsibility to create (create) application settings on the BRI API for that Client.
  10. User ID is a code given to the Client to show the identity of a person who has access rights to BRI API which must be entered when accessing BRI API Services.
  11. SysAdmin User is a user ID given by BRI to the Client, who has the authority and responsibility to verify and approve the settings for the BRI API Service application that has been created by the User Admin.

2. Administration of Registration, Modification and Deletion

  1. Every registration, change or deletion of data and or status of the Client, User Admin or SysAdmin identity, account, feature, the Client must fill out the BRI API form or letters and other documents determined by the Bank.
  2. The Bank will verify and check the completeness and correctness of the data on the BRI API Form and its supporting documents.
  3. The Bank may refuse and return the form to the customer to be completed if any discrepancies or incomplete supporting documents are found.
  4. The Bank will register, change or delete into the system if verification and checking of the forms and supporting documents have been carried out. Approval of registration, change or deletion is the authority of the Bank based on the results of checking and verification and has complied with the Bank's internal regulations.

3. BRIAPI Registration (Upgrade to Production)

  1. To access the BRI API production data, the Customer must:
    • Fill out the BRI API registration form (BRI API Form – 01)
    • Read, understand the contents, and sign the BRI API Terms and Conditions (BRI API Form)
    • Attach photocopies of the following documents:
      • Company Establishment Deed and Last Deed of Establishment,
      • SIUP or TDP or other business permits,
      • Basic authority to act from the applicant,
      • KTP, SIM, Passport, KITAS, or other Identity Cards from parties who are authorized/appointed to act on behalf of the company (including if there is an authorizing party and a proxy).
    • Each User ID holder who is appointed or authorized to olen must have an active email address and has been registered with the Bank.

4. BRIAPI Facilities/Services

  1. To be able to access BRI API production data, you must have a Corporate ID, User ID and password given by the Bank to after registering for BRI API (Upgrade to Production) and meet the applicable terms and conditions.
  2. The type of BRI API Service facility provided to the service is in accordance with the selected/registered service as stated in the BRI API Registration Form (BRI API Form – 01).
  3. The Bank provides a BRI API Help Desk facility to serve complaints and reports.

5. Account

  1. Accounts for both Information (inquiry) and Transaction facilities must be registered first in the BRI API Service.
  2. The type of account registered is an account opened at a Bank, including: Current Account or Savings Account either on behalf of the customer or not on behalf of the customer.

6. Login / Access to BRIAPI Production

  1. BRI API services can only be accessed through the website addresshttps://developers.bri.co.id
  2. To be able to access the BRI API Service, you must:
    • Enter Corporate ID
    • Entering User ID
    • Enter password

7. Use of User ID and Password

  1. The User ID holder is required to secure the User ID and Password by, but not limited to:
    • Maintain the confidentiality of User ID and Password
    • Do not write and store it in written form or in a computer application that allows it to be known by others.
  2. All consequences, risks and responsibilities caused by the misuse of User ID and Password are the full responsibility of the Client and free the bank from all claims.
  3. Client is fully responsible for all transaction instructions that occur based on the use of User ID and Password.
  4. The Client is obliged to immediately notify the Bank if the User ID and Password for both User and SysAdmin are known to other unauthorized persons. All Transaction Instructions based on the use of User ID and Password that occur before the Bank receives in writing the report are the full responsibility of the Client.

8. Blocking of User ID

  1. User ID will be blocked if you enter the wrong User ID and or Password for 4 consecutive times.
  2. Unblocking User ID is carried out by Admin and SysAdmin, while in case of blocking of Admin and/or SysAdmin, Admin and SysAdmin user holders must contact the BRI API HelpDesk.

9. General Terms of Transaction

  1. The client must fill in all the required data for each transaction correctly, completely and accurately. Client is responsible for the correctness, completeness and accuracy of instructions and frees the Bank from all consequences arising from incomplete instructions/transaction data from the Client.
  2. The client must ensure that the User ID and Password used for the BRI API application are not duplicated and misused in any form.
  3. The Bank receives and executes every instruction from the Client as evidence of a valid instruction based on the use of User ID and Password. For this reason, the Bank has no obligation to examine or investigate the authenticity or validity or authority of the User ID and Password or to assess or prove the accuracy and completeness of the instructions referred to and therefore the instructions are valid and bind the Client with all the consequences.
  4. Clients can only make transactions before passing the Cut Of Time that has been determined by the Bank.
  5. For transactions involving Bank Indonesia or other third parties, the transactions follow the operational working days of Bank Indonesia and other third parties.
  6. The Bank has the right not to carry out transaction instructions from the Client, if the following occurs:
    • Insufficient balance in the registered account.
    • The Bank knows or has sufficient reasons and evidence to suspect that fraud or crime has been or will be committed.
    • The bank accepts orders from the authorities.
  7. The Client releases the Bank from any responsibility for any losses arising from the use of the BRI API and BRI API devices that do not comply with the instructions contained in the BRI API manual/documentation.
  8. Client acknowledges the Bank's ownership of copyright and other intellectual property rights in BRI API.
  9. Client may not duplicate or pass on all or any of the rights, benefits or obligations of this facility to other parties without written approval from the Bank.
  10. The client will not interfere, make changes, alter or misuse in any way the entire BRI API application.
  11. Clients are subject to the provisions for charging transaction and administration fees / and or BRI API hit / call fees that have been determined by the Bank.
  12. The Client agrees to fully indemnify the Bank from all costs, damage, loss of liability and or any expenses either directly or indirectly arising as a result of a violation by the Client of the Client's obligations for this facility or any consequences arising from and or in connection with the use of this BRI API application.

10. Account Debit Fee and Authorization

  1. The Client hereby authorizes the Bank to debit the Client's account at the Bank to carry out transactions instructed by the Client to the Bank through the BRI API facility and for payment of fees incurred through the BRI API application as determined by the Bank. Therefore, with the signing of this document, a separate power of attorney is no longer required for this purpose.
  2. The Bank has the right to debit fees for administration / subscription fees and or certain transaction fees and or other costs incurred through the BRI API application which will be determined and notified by BRI.
  3. If there is a processing failure on the effective date of the transaction which is not caused by BRI's fault, the Client will still be charged.
  4. The Bank has the right at any time to change the fees by notification through the means deemed normal. Any changes to these fees are binding on the Client.
  5. All expense debits will be carried out automatically by the system by debiting the Client's account, unless stated in the manual. If the fee is recorded automatically but the Client's account balance is insufficient, then the fee remains the Client's obligation until the obligation is fulfilled.
  6. This power of attorney remains valid as long as the Client is still receiving the BRI API Service or there are still obligations of the Client to the Bank even though the Client has not received the BRI API Service.

11. Force Majeur

  1. The Client will release the Bank from any claims, in the event that the Bank is unable to carry out the instructions from the Client partially or wholly due to events or causes beyond the Bank's control or capability, including but not limited to natural disasters, wars, riots condition of equipment, systems or transmissions that are not functioning, electricity disturbances, telecommunication disturbances, government policies and other events or causes beyond the control and ability of the Bank.
  2. The Bank is not responsible if there is damage to the BRI API application and or device caused by Client error or other causes such as components & the like, electricity, broken cables, damage to computer hardware and others.

12. Termination of Service

  1. BRIAPI services will be terminated by the Bank if:
    • The client terminates the use of the BRI API Service by submitting a letter to close the BRI API facility and submitting the required documents as determined by the Bank.
    • The Bank suspected that there was an abuse of the BRI API service by the Client in relation to a violation of the law.
    • The Bank carries out an obligation or an order from an authorized official or in accordance with the provisions of the applicable laws and regulations.
    • The Bank at its own discretion and interest terminates the provision of BRI API Services to the Client by notifying the Client through the usual means.
  2. To reactivate the BRI API Service which was stopped by the Bank in item 1 above, you must follow the new Client registration procedure.

13. Miscellaneous

  1. The client is subject to the provisions and regulations applicable to the Bank as well as the terms and conditions governing all services and transactions covered by the BRI API, including any changes that will be notified by the Bank through the usual means.
  2. The Bank at any time with certain considerations may change the BRI API operation manual in any form and will notify the Client of the changes through the usual means.
  3. The Bank has the right to stop the BRI API Service temporarily or for a certain period of time determined by the Bank because the Bank is experiencing problems or for renewal, maintenance and or other purposes deemed good by the Bank, and for that the Bank is not obligated to be responsible to anyone. The Bank will notify the temporary suspension to the Client through the usual means.

14. Changes to BRIAPI Terms and Conditions

BRI at any time at its discretion has the right to change, complete or replace these terms and conditions without prior approval from the Client. Any changes to the terms and conditions will be notified later to the Client in the form and through the usual means. Any changes to these terms and conditions are binding on the Client.