
BRIAPI is Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) developed by BRI that enables your application to integrate with BRI banking services easily and quickly. BRIAPI is helping your company to streamline any financial activities for your customers.

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Simplify Your Business with BRIAPI

Watch the video and see how BRIAPI can make your business more efficient with non SNAP API services.



BRIAPI uses the OAuth 2framework as an authorization process in determining third-party access rights. Before making an API request to a BRIAPI product, you must obtain a token by calling the Get Token endpoint.

As an additional security guard in every API request, BRIAPI uses a signature to ensure that the data in each request and response cannot be hijacked and copied by unauthorized users. This signature is generated using the SHA256-HMAC algorithm.

The parameters below must be included in the request header of every API call (except for the Get Token endpoint) :

Key Value
Authorization Bearer {{TOKEN}}
BRI-Signature {{SIGNATURE}}
BRI-Timestamp {{TIMESTAMP}}


This endpoint is used to generate a token that must be included in every API call. Place this token in the Authorization attribute in the Header.

Token is valid for 50 hours from the creation date. In addition, you can get token as many as you like without invalidating the previous token, as long as it’s not expired (not more than 50 hours).

HTTP Request



Request Header

Key Value Mandatory
Content-Type application/x-www-form-urlencoded Yes

Request Body

Field Data Type Mandatory Description
client_id string Yes Consumer key
client_secret string Yes Consumer secret

Request Example

curl --location --request POST '
oauth/client_credential/accesstoken?grant_type=client_credentials' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
--data-urlencode 'client_id=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx7kuJAyQkWpt' \
--data-urlencode 'client_secret=123xxxxxxxxxxxxxOx'

Response Example

    "refresh_token_expires_in": "0",
    "api_product_list": "[inquiry-sandbox]",
    "api_product_list_json": [
    "organization_name": "bri",
    "": "",
    "token_type": "BearerToken",
    "issued_at": "1557891212144",
    "client_id": "8E20dpP7KtakFkShw5tQHOFf7FFAU01o",
    "access_token": "R04XSUbnm1GXNmDiXx9ysWMpFWBr",
    "application_name": "317d0b2f-6536-4cac-a5f0-3bc9908815b3",
    "scope": "",
    "expires_in": "179999",
    "refresh_count": "0",
    "status": "approved"


Signature ensures that the transmitted data is authentic and cannot be refuted. The signature is generated by the service user and verified by the service receiver.

The signature is formed from the specified payload, by implementing the SHA256-HMAC algorithm with Consumer Secrets as the key. Then, encryption of this signature will be performed using Base64. The final result will be placed in the BRI-Signature attribute in the Header.


Payload consists of path, verb, token, timestamp, and body. Example payload:


Details of each element inside the payload are explained below:

Payload Description Example
Path The value for path is the URL after the hostname and port without the query parameters.




Verb HTTP method in uppercase GET, POST, PUT, PATCH, and DELETE.
Token Token used in Authorization header. Bearer R04XSUbnm1GXNmDiXx9ysWMpFWBr

Note: Don't forget to add Bearer before token.
Timestamp Timestamp at the moment you call the API. The timestamp format must follow ISO8601 format (yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.SSSZ). It has to be in the zero UTC offset. 2019-01-02T13:14:15.678Z

Note: Timestamp must be in UTC or GMT +0 timezone.
Body Request body sent for the API call &body={"hello":"world"} If there is no request body, such as on the GET call, leave it empty. &body=

Note: Be aware that you should input exactly the same body you sent. Because different case, space, and line can cause different signatures.