
Service Fee Information BRIAPI

Experience efficient business transactions through our API. Enjoy competitive rates starting at Rp1.000 per transaction. Need more details? Just click the "Ask me" button below.

Starting from Rp1.000/transaction

Pricing Simulator

Adjust costs and align them with your monthly usage.

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Account Validation Rp 0.00

Transfer Rp 1.000

Intrabank Account Inquiry Rp 0.00

Account Validation Rp 0.00

Transfer Rp 6.500

Inquiry Payment to VA Intrabank Rp 0.00

Payment to VA Intrabank Rp 3.500

Create VA Rp 0.00

Get Report VA Rp 0.00

Inquiry Status VA Rp 0.00

Update Status VA Rp 0.00

Inquiry VA Rp 0.00

Update VA Rp 0.00

Delete VA Rp 0.00

VA Payment Notification Rp 0.00

Payment success Rp 3.500

InquiryRp 0.00

Payment Rp 3.500

Account Information Rp 150

API Bank Statement Rp 150

Transfer Method Rp 2.500

Monthly Usage

  HIT Request

Total Price :


* All prices can be adjusted according to the cooperation agreement by contacting us via phone or email.