Take Advantage of Geolocation API BRIAPI E-Channel for Your Digital Business

Take Advantage of Geolocation API BRIAPI E-Channel for Your Digital Business.
BRI has devoted itself to providing more ATMs (Automated Teller Machines) throughout the country to boost the banking access and services for customers. As a result, BRI is the bank with the most ATMs in Indonesia. In September 2019, BRI had 20.864 ATMs and 3.209 CRM (Cash Recycle Machine).
It enables you to do banking activities without the hassle and as well as upgrade your business with Open API from BRI, that is BRIAPI. Open API (Application Programming Interface) is an application program integrated between the systems. BRIAPI is created to streamline any banking activities in this digitalization world.
One of the BRIAPI products related to BRI ATM is Geolocation API E-Channel by BRI. Using this API, you will be able to find the nearest ATM, CRM and Electronic Data Capture (EDC) in some certain areas. Beside Geolocation API E-Channel, you also can locate BRI branch offices in a certain radius of some areas with Branch Office features by BRIAPI where you will be able to know the location of 10.369 BRI branch offices from Sabang to Merauke.
Geolocation API E-Channel and Branch Office Location BRIAPI definitely make your business easier to locate the nearest ATM, CRM, EDC and branch offices BRI and to fulfil your banking needs. Therefore, your customer will be satisfied with your digital business.
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