Get to know Dunex
PT. Dunia Express Transindo (Dunex) is a total logistics company that provides various logistics services, such as export-import shipping, warehouse storage, customs clearance, and delivery of goods to consumers domestically and abroad. Since its establishment on November 1, 1990, Dunex has served various types of cargo, especially petroleum, automotive, electronics, textiles, and others.
Dunex realizes that the high cost of Indonesian logistics is an unresolved issue. Thus, the company that is based in Sunter, North Jakarta, wants to create a more efficient and effective logistics system to reduce costs while providing excellent service.
Together with BRIAPI, this vision seeks to realize. Before all else, their first step is to automate and digitize the company's internal systems while reducing manual processes. Dunex believes that in today's digital era, system automation plays an essential role in the company's business growth.
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As a logistics service provider, Dunex relies much on the performance of its human resources. One of them is a logistics driver or a logistics truck driver. They deliver goods from the warehouse to each delivery location.
Dunex has more than 1000 logistics drivers who make deliveries every day from one place to another. More requests for delivery will increase the benefits for both the company and the drivers. Every time they make deliveries, the company always sends travel fees for the drivers.
The travel fees serve as the driver's operational costs. So, the company must send it repeatedly every day. However, so far, the process of remittances has been impractical.
"We had to constantly switch from one application to another to process our drivers’ travel fees. We also have to input each of their data manually. In fact, since we handle a massive number of transactions, it has been quite a hassle for us," said Johan Wie, Dunex Senior Finance Manager.
In fact, in some cases, the distribution of travel fees must be done through manual transfers and cash payments. Unfortunately, it is not in line with Dunex's mission to elevate their game towards digital transformation, especially from the financial aspect.
Realizing that this problem must be resolved at once, Dunex began to see BRIAPI as a digital transformation solution in the financial sector. Hence, Dunex chose BRIAPI because they believe that with BRIAPI, the company's financial transactions can run faster, more efficiently, and effectively. The integration between Dunex's internal systems with BRIAPI will also bring companies going digital more quickly.
In January 2022, Dunex was officially integrated with BRIAPI, an open banking service from BRI. The first two BRIAPI products used by Dunex are Transfer to BRI Account and Account Statement. Both play an essential role in facilitating company payments to their drivers.
"Now, Dunex has been integrated with BRIAPI. Technically, we breakdown the overall costs within company’s internal applications. After that, we just need to press a button to instantly send a fund transfer request to BRI," said Sudarman, Dunex IT Manager.
He continued that transaction processing can be carried out through company’s dashboard, with no need to switch from one application to another. It also reduces transaction processing time.
Another benefit that Dunex capitalizes is in terms of the transaction numbers. With more than 1000 drivers, Dunex can enjoy the convenience of finance automation and digitalization. They no longer need to input data manually for each of their drivers—a massive waste of time and effort.
"We used to take up to 30 minutes, but now it only takes us 10 minutes to process transactions. We can send the funds and the drivers receive them more quickly and safely," added Johan.
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Integration Process
Dunex integration with BRIAPI ran for three months. Before being fully integrated, both parties have gone through various trial and error processes so that in early 2022, BRIAPI implementation can take place.
"Since the beginning of the integration process, the BRIAPI team has cooperated excellently with us. Every time we find an issue during the process, we immediately raise the issue to them and they will respond immediately. Overall, the communication process went smoothly," said Sudarman.
BRIAPI is also the first bank API to be integrated with Dunex. Both BRIAPI products, Transfer to BRI Account and Account Statement, provide the same benefits in a series of digital finance processes at Dunex. In the early stages of this integration, Dunex will continue to study and explore their needs that BRIAPI can accommodate.
"We hope that after this implementation is already running smoothly, we can implement BRIAPI for other types of transactions," Johan emphasized.
What's Next from Dunex and BRIAPI
Currently, Dunex is focusing on optimizing the use of Transfer to BRI Account and Account Statement. In the process, BRIAPI is proven to ease the transaction process, given the large number of Dunex employees as well as the high number of daily transactions.
Thus, when the implementation has run smoothly, it is possible that Dunex will aim the use of other BRIAPI services, especially for managing a particular type of high amount transactions. Johan also predicts that in the future, BRIAPI will help Dunex to surge the company’s transaction volume.
"Every week, our transactions will be circulated in IDR 400-500 million. It is only from the company's internal side, not to mention transactions with external parties. Because of this, we will strive to continue to maximize Dunex’s potential with BRIAPI," as he concluded.