Get to know PT USSI


PT USSI is a product development company that provides various IT services dedicated to the microfinance industry. Since its establishment in 1994, the company has become a partner of numerous microfinance institutions. Some of them are Bank Perkreditan Rakyat (BPR, or Rural Bank), co-operation, and Islamic microfinance institutions such as Baitul Maal wa Tamwil (BMT) and Koperasi Jasa Keuangan Syariah (KJKS, or  Sharia Financial Services Co-operations).

Together with BRIAPI, PT USSI has succeeded in establishing a core microbanking system, becoming a market leader in its field. The company has also been trusted by Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (OJK, or Financial Services Authority) as a vendor for microfinance institutions. Both parties assist the payment process between microfinance institutions and their customers throughout Indonesia.


Customers of PT USSI's partner microfinance institutions experience work barriers

The core microbanking system is a system that supports both financial institutions and micro banking operations engaged in savings and loan business activities, such as savings, deposits, and credit. PT USSI has been developing the system since 1994.

As a provider of electronic payment systems, the main problem that PT USSI faces is the conventional transaction process for microfinance institution customers. They use it mainly for two needs: making deposits and paying installments. 

Besides, the company also concerns other institutions that require business services such as schools. As educational institutions, schools also need payment channels for their students. Thus, PT USSI helped provide digital payment channels for them.

Beyond that, the Covid-19 pandemic has worsened the situation. People cannot make payments in the bank since they could potentially get exposed to the virus. And from companies' perspectives, face-to-face financial services have become more limited.

These difficult days made PT USSI more determined to provide easier payment services through the digitalized platform. Customers do not require to come to the bank. All thanks to core micro banking as a solution that enables the digitalization of financial services.


Reflecting on those problems, PT USSI seeks to create a digital payment system through integration with various banks. Bank BRI is one of them. Through BRIAPI open API, Bank BRI provides access to virtual transactions for PT USSI's partners.

Since early 2021, PT USSI has collaborated with BRIAPI by using BRIVA as its first integrated API. With BRIVA, PT USSI helps microfinance institutions add their payment channels through virtual accounts.

“Customers no longer need to come directly to financial institutions to make transactions. They can do it from home via mobile banking or ATM,” said Zul Fahmi, Business Team of PT USSI.

Zul continued that the virtual account solution provides various transactions needed, such as payments, deposits, to pay the bills.

Integration Process

BRIAPI integration with PT USSI is fast and easy

The integration process between BRIAPI and PT USSI went easy thanks to complete documentation on BRIAPI website. There are also samples for doing numerous testing in the sandbox. To conclude, all BRIVA's development process went smoothly for PT USSI.

Other benefits regarding BRIAPI complete documentation is, it is easier for PT USSI to know more about BRIVA. Ranging from product descriptions, features, payment simulations—all information can be examined before applying BRIVA service within the company's system. 

In addition to the transaction process, PT USSI also utilizes reconciliation transaction services. It provides more convenience in reconciling transaction data. Another update from BRIAPI, which is a push notification feature, also brings a positive impact for PT USSI. 

It automatically notifies the company's system every time a transaction occurs. The notification will later be sent to PT USSI's partners.

“The push notifications feature is an excellent innovation. It makes our work easier, especially in data collection transactions. So, even though our customers continue to grow, we can still control the data carefully and accurately," said Herudin, IT System Development Division Manager of PT USSI.

Herudin highlights another convenience thanks to the BRIVA integration: the get report feature.

"We can withdraw all transaction data registered under our company's corporate ID. Our transaction reports are neatly recorded in the get report dashboard, equipped with the unique code of each microfinance institution that works with us," he explained.

What’s Next from PT USSI and BRIAPI

Currently, BRIVA is still the only BRIAPI service used by PT USSI. Even so, PT USSI will embrace any opportunity by integrating other APIs in near future. This is in line with PT USSI's unique positioning as a financial solution partner for microfinance institutions.

Holding high its vision to become a leading provider of communication-based digital economy ecosystem solutions and microfinance institutions, the company realizes that the need for technology in digitalized financial services is very important, notably in today's technological disruption.

"Every economic activity requires a fast, easy, and reliable technology aspect," said Zul.

"This is where BRIAPI's role as our partner as we strive to become one of the quickest and easiest payment solutions for microfinance institutions."

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