Get to know K24Klik
K24Klik is the first and most comprehensive online medicine buying service in Indonesia. Under PT K-24 Indonesia, K24Klik guarantees to only sell authentic and licensed medicines. As a distributor of medicines and medical devices, K24Klik aims to help you find health products easily from one application. The scarcity of certain medicines and health products on the market makes K24Klik a digital platform that meet people's needs and product availability.
To increase the variety of digital payment methods for their customers, K24Klik integrated BRIAPI from February to March 2022. As a result, there was an increase in transactions of up to 200% from payments using BRIVA.
With the advancing technology, various industries are moving online, creating customer experience and offering services through digital, mobile platforms, so is K24Klik. Coming from one of the most prominent player in the healthcare and pharmaceutical industry, K24Klik provides easy, fast, and efficient access to medicine purchases. Customers can simply make orders through the app, and their healthcare needs will arrive safely at their home.
K24Klik has four options of delivery services: One Hour Delivery, One Day Delivery, Packages, and Pick Up at the Pharmacy. In order to support these services, K24Klik requires a digital ecosystem that is supported by various payment methods to ensure quick transactions and easy order. Therefore, K24Klik aims to provide the best digital payment options for its customers.
Manual transfer could also be another option for cashless payments, and is available in the K24Klik application. But, this method has many drawbacks, from the requirement to provide transfer proof, time-consuming payment verification, to the complicated process of checking mutations.
“For a single manual transaction, may takes us up to 30 minutes. We have to check the details for each transaction. This means that manual transfers cost the customers the same time required forOne Hour Delivery service. This makes no sense for customer experience and is very inefficient,” said Maria Hartanti, K24Klik Finance team.
To solve the issue, K24Klik integrated BRI Virtual Account (BRIVA), one of the BRIAPI products. They believe that with the massive number of BRI customers, K24Klik's services can reach all over Indonesia and facilitate them to make payments in the application.
See also: Make Digital Transaction Easier with API BRIVA by BRIAPI
In February 2022, K24Klik was officially integrated with BRIAPI. K24Klik utilizes BRI Virtual Account (BRIVA) to provide Virtual Account services.
"Thanks to BRIAPI, we have successfully enriched our payment method with a Virtual Account from BRI, BRIVA. As a result, BRIVA has become one of the fastest and most efficient digital payment methods.”
"To implement it, we don't have to bother to contact any third parties because once connected with BRIAPI, all API integration needs are already available. This allows us to save our expenses,” said Maria.
She continued that BRIVA increased the effectiveness of customer payments by up to 50%. There was also an increase in transaction numbers of up to 200% compared to the use of manual account transfers.
“In terms of time efficiency, BRIVA users need no more than 10 minutes, much more efficient than manual transfers which take up to above 30 minutes. Besides, our transaction numbers have also increased up to 200% compared to manual transfers."
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Integration Process
Before carrying out the integration, K24Klik Finance team sent documents related to API implementation. Next, the K24Klik Software Analyst team started to take over. Based on their experience, BRIVA integration into the K24Klik application was short and smooth, as admitted by Rina Sari from K24 Klik Software Analyst team.
“Thanks to a complete and informative BRIAPI documentation, we were able to easily integrate BRIVA into the K24Klik application. After that, we carried out a series of tests to see the performance of the application," she said.
Rina admitted that it took some time to complete those tests. Among them are pilot testing and System Integration Testing (SIT). Pilot testing is conducted to test all BRIVA components so that they run optimally in real conditions. Meanwhile, SIT tests the K24Klik application system after it is integrated with BRIVA. Both must run according to predetermined stages to ensure the system runs smoothly.
“We did pilot testing and SIT to ensure the API functions properly. If there are problems during the process, our internal team will check them first. But, if we need some help from BRIAPI team, we will contact them immediately through our coordination group on Whatsapp.”
"They gave us only solutions that allow us to fix the problem as soon as possible so we can continue the process," she explained.
See also: BRIAPI Helps PT USSI Build a Digital Ecosystem for Microfinance Institutions in Indonesia
What’s Next from K24Klik and BRIAPI
Currently, K24Klik and BRIAPI are developing a long-term plan to integrate more BRIAPI products and maximize K24Klik's performance. In the future, BRIVA and other BRIAPI products can further encourage transactions for K24Klik while increasing convenience for customers.
With more than 9,000 health products in one application, K24Klik will always strive to provide medicine or other health needs.
"Hopefully, when BRIVA has run optimally on our platform, the entire payment process will be easier, faster and more efficient," as Maria concluded.