Understanding the Vital Role of BRI Open Banking for E-Commerce Payment Systems

The e-commerce payment system using open banking is one of the answers to various cash payment problems. Starting from nominal transfer errors to reduced time efficiency.
Open banking, such as BRI's open banking, has also changed the way consumers use financial services. Moreover, BRI's open banking has many vital roles for the development and progress of the e-commerce payment system in Indonesia
In its development, there are various ways to make payments online in e-commerce. In order to make it easier for business owners and customers, banking offers a variety of interesting features to make the shopping experience on e-commerce more comfortable, enjoyable, and efficient. One of them is presenting open banking technology.
Open banking is one of the most popular types of financial services. This service allows e-commerce payment systems to be integrated with financial transaction services by open banks. This integration can be done through application programming interface or API technology.
Having a digital economy that is very potential and continues to grow, Indonesia has also adopted the use of an open banking system. The implementation of this open banking system began in 2019.
At that time, Bank Indonesia as the main regulator in the field of national payments inaugurated the blueprint for the Indonesian payment system or BSPI 2025. In the launch of BSPI 2025, an online payment system open banking is included in one of its initiatives.
In 2020, Bank Indonesia has started the process of implementing the open banking program. One of them is the issuance of standard Open API consultative papers and bank interlinks as an e-commerce payment system in Indonesia with fintech as mentioned by
Also read: What Is A Virtual Account, How It Works, and Its Benefits
Open banking has brought a big change for the financial services industry. In addition to Bank Indonesia, the financial services authority or OJK, which acts as a regulator in the field of supervision of the financial services industry in Indonesia, also pointed out that open banking is one of the standards for connectivity between electronic systems. Through open banking, digital sector financial services are open and can be used by various parties safely.
The use of open banking makes banks feel closer and more present to consumers through system integration into various third-party applications.
With the integration process carried out by banking institutions, consumers can experience various conveniences to access every banking service that belongs to the bank. For business owners, open banking also makes it easier to accept payments and expand consumer reach.
Through the use of an open API, when using an e-commerce platform, for example, consumers can safely connect to the payment system.
BRIAPI is a payment system programming for e-commerce and other financial systems with an application programming interface owned by Bank BRI. This system allows the integration process between the BRI bank system and various third party applications.
Until 2022, BRIAPI has collaborated with more than 700 partners, ranging from digital companies such as e-commerce, fintech, ride-hailing, health tech, to non-digital companies such as educational institutions, government agencies, and so on. The presence of this technology makes it easier for business partners and the wider community to use payment features via BRI services.
Through BRIAPI, you can take advantage of various online payment features owned by Bank BRI, including:
BRIVA or BRI Virtual Account is an e-commerce payment system that uses a unique ID number per transaction. Virtual account services from Bank BRI can provide more convenience and comfort for consumers.
Through a virtual account, the transaction amount does not need to be entered again. This is if the type of payment is a close payment. Meanwhile, for the open payment type, the consumer enters the transaction nominal. Even so, this step remains concise and easy for consumers.
Users also do not need to attach proof of payment manually. The system will be automatically updated with information that the payment has been successful.
Consumers can make BRIVA payments through bank ATMs or other channels, such as BRI internet banking and BRI mobile banking, as well as payments through BRILINK agents throughout Indonesia and BRIVA payments through bank tellers.
In addition to consumers, BRIVA also provides benefits for business owners because they will get information about payment transactions that occur quickly. For integration, partners can choose the BRIVA menu as the product they want to use.
The payment feature of BRI Direct Debit has a way of working by integrating the BRI Debit Card as a source of funds with third-party application accounts belonging to consumers. With the direct debit system, the process for transactions that take place through third-party applications (e.g. e-commerce), is faster.
The process of connecting or integrating BRI debit cards with third-party applications is quite simple. Users only need to register a 16-digit number on the BRI debit card once as a payment method. Furthermore, the user only needs to enter the OTP code and PIN to make a transaction. Direct debit is one of the most practical e-commerce payment systems.
The fund transfer feature helps us to simplify the process of transferring funds from BRI accounts to other bank accounts. This open banking online payment system feature saves time because you don't need to visit BRI branches or ATM machines.
In the era of digital transformation, transaction processing through BRIAPI will increase by more than 300% in 2021 according to the CNBC website. PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia Persero Tbk recorded an increase in sales volume through BRIAPI to 305.8% throughout 2021.
This sales volume was recorded at more than Rp174.5 trillion as of December 2021. At the same time, BRI recorded the number of transactions and fee-based income which increased quite rapidly and even tripled.
Almost all sectors benefit from the use of BRI's open banking technology. Starting from customers, open banking users, including the banking sector itself.
In addition to saving time, the payment process is also easier. In addition, administrative costs are also lower with more complete features.
So what are you waiting for? Come join the BRIAPI platform and enjoy the convenience of transacting. This e-commerce payment system does provide significant advantages in the online transaction process. Especially in the era of a very massive digital economy like today.
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