BRI Direct Debit
Payment feature to connect your app with BRI debit card as payment options.
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What is BRI Direct Debit?
In Practice :
- Payment without the hassle of making a transfer.
- It's easier to make transactions with a single click.
Benefit :
All you have to do is register your card once :
Customers only need to enter the one time password (OTP) code received. In addition to providing convenience in payment, the use of OTP in this transaction will also provide a sense of security when customers transact.Time and Effort Savings :
Users no longer need to make manual transfers to make payments. This reduces the time and effort required to manage bills, allowing users to focus on other more important thingsFraud and Error Reduction :
Strong authentication and verification mechanisms help prevent fraud and errors in the payment process.
Available API for BRI Direct Debit.
Here are available APIs for BRI Direct Debit.

This API is used to payments from transactions based on the card number on the card_token obtained from the binding process (card token creation)

Payment Status Information
This API is used to provide the status of the payment.

Payment Notification
This API is used to provide the status of the payment.

Refund Payment
This API is used to create a refund request for a previously successful payment. Refunds can be made in full or in part.

Refund Notification
This API is used to provide notification of refund status