APIDOCS Registration SNAP BI
API Information
Title |
API Registration SNAP BI |
Version |
v2.0 |
URL Sandbox |
URL Production |
Version Control
Doc Version |
API Version |
Date |
Document Link |
Description |
v1.0 |
v1.0 |
07 Feb 2024 |
Baseline version |
v1.1 |
v2.0 |
15 Feb 2024 |
this pages |
Update Details :
Product Description
Note: OTP and Notifikasi (Binding and Payment) that were previously sent via SMS will be sent via Whatsapp
Product Overview
API Registration is required so that Consumers can associate their data to perform payment transaction services or access their data. This data can vary depending on needs, such as debit card, credit card, or account data.
Header Structure
Key |
Value |
Format |
Mandatory |
Length |
Description |
Authorization |
Authorization |
Alphanumeric |
M |
Bearer {Token} |
BRI - Timestamp |
Datetime |
M |
Format Timestamp ISO8601 |
BRI - Signature |
Alphanumeric |
M |
Content-type |
application/json |
Alpha |
M |
application/json |
Alphanumeric |
M |
36 |
Alpha |
M |
5 |
Numeric |
M |
36 |
A. Card Registration
This endpoint is used to create consumer card data
Note : Card tokens that are obtained have an active period following the card's expiration date.
General Information
HTTP Method |
Path |
snap/v2.0/registration-card-bind |
Tipe Format |
Authentication |
OAuth 2.0 with Access Token |
Request Structure
Field |
Data Type |
Format |
Mandatory |
Length |
Description |
Example |
phoneNo |
String |
Numeric |
M Note : SNAP BI (O) |
15 Note : SNAP BI Length (16) |
Customer’s phone number Format: 62xxxxxxxx xxxxx |
62812345678 |
custIdMerchant |
String |
Alphanumeric |
M |
18 |
Merchant’s customer ID |
0012345679504 |
cardData |
Encrypted Object |
Refer to Standard Symmetric Encryption on Security Standard Document section 2.1.9 |
bankCardType |
String |
Alpha |
M |
2 |
Type of the card (D – Debit, C –Credit, UE – Uang Electronik). |
D |
bankCardNo |
String |
Numeric |
M |
16 Note : SNAP BI Length (19) |
Card number |
221843000100021 |
identificationNo |
String |
Numeric |
O |
64 |
Customer’s ID number |
2849238f02938402 |
identificationType |
String |
Numeric |
O |
2 |
Type of ID (01 - passport, 02 – eKTP&KTP, 03-TKTP, 04- SIM (Driver License), 99 – Others) |
02 |
String |
Alphanumeric |
M Note : SNAP BI (O) |
50 Note : SNAP BI Length (254) |
RFC 3696 Length 254 after “<” and “>” |
expiryDate |
String |
Numeric |
M |
4 |
Card expiry date. Format: MMYY |
1022 |
Response Structure & Sample
Field |
Data Type |
Format |
Mandatory |
Length |
Description |
Example |
responseCode |
String |
Numeric |
M |
7 |
Response code |
2000100 |
responseMessage |
String |
Alpha |
M |
150 |
Response description |
Successful |
chargeToken |
String |
Alphanumeric |
M Notes : SNAP BI (O) |
45 Notes : SNAP BI Length (40) |
string code for verification OTP |
abcd63617264746f6b656e |
bankCardToken |
String |
Alphanumeric |
M (for card type response) |
560 Notes : SNAP BI Length (128)
Card token for card binding |
6d796361 7264746f 6b656e |
referenceNo | String | Numeric |
M Notes: SNAP BI (O) |
12 Notes : SNAP BI Length (64) |
Transaction identifier on service provider system. Must be filled upon successful transaction |
2020102977770000000009 |
Request & Response Payload Sample
To encrypt the card data, use the Symmetric Encryption Standard (AES-256-cbc) with the Client Secret as the encryption key which has been encrypted with MD5.
AES-256-cbc requires an initialization vector which contains the client secret without an MD5 hash. The output of this encryption (AES-256-cbc) is in hex encoded format. The components in (AES-256-cbc) are as shown in the following table:
No. |
Component |
Example |
1. |
Plain text |
{ "bankCardType":"D", "bankCardNo":"5221843000100021", "identificationNo": "1234567", "identificationType":"02", "email":"foo.bar@baz.com", "expiryDate":"1010" } |
2. |
Initialization Vector |
rQpLmMkB4p2zYUQG |
3. |
Encryption key |
00099531c1839c0a0d48fd2d93b271f1 |
To perform encryption, please refer to the following link https://www.javainuse.com/aesgenerator
Request :
{ "cardData":"a7ccf48471c041948b0efa921492fa0bcfe58dade682bf6251cb9ab77a52003b0dc6acbac31124fefa8b911d2f57e48d7cefec12b8eefd33339295b506c9692b23f0a1dd17de24e0504085433b32bbd95454de7ef7abe00ac81a19d0a1341785a9063ddc92360ab926558c9c4fedb889", "custIdMerchant":"78678687613", "phoneNo":"6281234833767" }
Request for encrypted cardData file :
{ "bankCardType":"D", "bankCardNo":"5221843000100021", "identificationNo":"284923840902938402"".""identificationType":"02", "email":"crisevan@gmail.com", "expiryDate":"1010" }
Normal :
{ "responseCode":"2000100", "responseMessage":"Successful", "chargeToken":"TOK_YIBK6F6OBBJBIQ5D6NS6WJZRYFGSNDGB::3767", "bankCardToken":"", "referenceNo":"286749703117" }
Error Response :
{ "responseCode": "4040111", "responseMessage": "Card Information Invalid" }
List of Error/Response Code
HTTP Status |
Service Code |
Case Code |
Status |
Response Message |
Description |
200 |
01 |
00 |
Success |
Successful |
400 |
01 |
01 |
Failed |
Invalid Field Format [field request] |
Invalid format |
400 |
01 |
02 |
Failed |
Invalid Mandatory Field [field request] |
Missing or invalid format on mandatory field |
403 |
01 |
03 |
Failed |
Suspected Fraud |
403 |
01 |
07 |
Failed |
Card Blocked |
403 |
01 |
08 |
Failed |
Card Expired |
403 |
01 |
09 |
Failed |
Dormant Account |
403 |
01 |
18 |
Failed |
Inactive Card/Account/Customer |
404 |
01 |
11 |
Failed |
Card Information Invalid |
Card information may be invalid, or the card account may be blacklisted. |
409 |
01 |
01 |
Failed |
Conflict |
429 |
01 |
00 |
Failed |
Too Many Requests |
504 |
01 |
00 |
Pending |
Timeout |
Any error response not listed in the BRIAPI response list is considered pending and requires further investigation.
B. Verify OTP
This endpoint is used to verify at the time of creation or deletion of consumer card data
Note: OTP and Notification (Binding and Payment) that were previously sent via SMS will be sent via Whatsapp
General Information
HTTP Method |
Path |
snap/v2.0/otp-verification |
Tipe Format |
Authentication |
OAuth 2.0 with Access Token |
Request Structure
Field |
Data Type |
Format |
Mandatory |
Length |
Description |
Example |
originalReferenceNo |
String |
Numeric |
M Notes ; SNAP BI (O) |
64 |
Transaction identifier on service provider system |
2020102977770000000009 |
otp |
String |
Numeric |
M Note : SNAP BI (O) |
6 Note : SNAP BI Length (8) |
OTP Code / Passcode |
123456 |
chargeToken |
String |
Alphanumeric |
M Note : SNAP BI (O) |
50 Note : SNAP BI Length (40) |
OTP string code that is to be verified with the passcode obtained by the user |
type |
String |
Alpha |
M Note : SNAP BI (O) |
20 |
value "card" for card registration and "payment" for direct debit payment |
card/payment |
additionalInfo |
Object |
O |
Additional information |
>bankCardToken |
String |
Alphanumeric |
M for type payment |
560 Note : SNAP BI Length (128) |
Card token for payment |
6d7963617264746f6b656e |
Response Structure & Sample
Field |
Data Type |
Mandatory |
Length |
Description |
Example |
responseCode |
String |
M |
7 |
Response code |
2000400 |
responseMessage |
String |
M |
150 |
Response description |
Successful |
bankCardToken |
String |
M ( for card type response ) Note : SNAP BI (O) |
560 Note : SNAP BI Length (128) |
Card token for card binding |
6d796361 7264746f6b656e |
String |
M ( for card type response ) Note : SNAP BI (O) |
50 Note : SNAP BI Length (254) |
RFC 3696 Length 254 after “<” and “>” |
phoneNo |
String |
M (for card type response) Note : SNAP BI (O) |
15 Note : SNAP BI Length (16) |
Customer’s phone number. Format: 62xxxxxxxx xxxxx |
6289912345678 |
originalReferenceNo |
String |
M Note : SNAP BI (O) |
64 |
Transaction identifier on service provider system. Must be filled upon successful transaction |
2020102977770000 000009 |
originalPartnerReferenceNo |
String |
M ( for payment type response ) Note : SNAP BI (O) |
64 |
Transaction identifier on service consumer system |
1233 |
additionalInfo |
Object |
O |
Additional information |
>amount |
String (ISO4217) |
M ( Note: for payment type response ) |
15,2 Note : SNAP BI Length (16,2) |
Transaction amount that will be paid using this payment method If it’s IDR then value includes 2 decimal digits. e.g. IDR 10.000,- will be placed with 10000.00 |
2000000.00 |
>currency |
String |
M ( Note: for payment type response ) |
3 |
currency |
>lastFour |
String |
M ( Note: for card type response) |
4 |
the last 4 digits of the card |
5566 |
>debitCardType |
String |
M ( Note: for card type response ) |
10 |
There are 6 card_type statuses: PVRGLR, PVGOLD, PVPLAT, RGLR, GOLD, PLAT |
>merchantTrxId |
String |
O |
64 |
Request & Response Payload Sample
Request type ( card ):
{ "originalReferenceNo":"819826771321", "otp":"999999", "chargeToken":"TOK_RM5AW2RI3XJMYJHMCQGIS3RQTGN47JGK::2767", "type":"card" }
Request type ( payment ) :
"{ ""originalReferenceNo"": "2020102977770000000009", ""otp"": "12345", ""chargeToken"": "TOK_m7aTkze5F3K9SizIwb72SEJfRVVrEWDS", ""type"": ""payment"", ""additionalInfo"": { ""bankCardToken"": "adswerR2QeqFREAATW4W4" } }"
Normal Response ( card ):
{ "responseCode":"2000400", "responseMessage":"Successful", "bankCardToken":"card_.eyJpYXQiOjE3MDc5NjYxNzUsImlzcyI6IkJhbmsgQlJJIC0gRENFIiwianRpIjoiMTIyNGZjMjAtMzg3Yy00NzQzLThkMmEtMzNmY2Q2N2NmODIxIiwicGFydG5lcklkIjoi77-9Iiwic2VydmljZU5hbWUiOiJERF9FWFRFUk5BTF9TRVJWSUNFIn0.JkGmWF9B1EQQpwuY5vmiCpO5Emh7_31k9kHVKpQkJNG5GFC1xXsGK7OGeWl3xJPWKZneKCGbRaFuM_-uO_MJMRf9pxU8gnAASlKeyMfgJ80HWoxyAj8SuqRHyHkWC6iVW7gGNKY9ZZKRkWh5Ba2ujqn_yCb9dSFeVqhBKp9WfY7KvFRpj8B1L-abeQCnsVaUg3yrxeXvq4nq1VflItKoFuzjImgRdz2i8cu39dUCsKTfmMv09P_HVoqPze5C3pmaN0QUdMcNQYFdZVDatRhBbLq3OjC0AbtP3_F-c8Of0CzRr0DtqvijG9KeqXchhUELgHbHIz4zSEJuIwX8_BUHRA", "email":"bebas@gmail.com", "phoneNo":"6281234832767", "originalReferenceNo":"819826771321", "additionalInfo":{ "lastFour":"3691", "debitCardType":"PVRGLR" } }
Response type ( payment ) :
{ "responseCode":"2000400", "responseMessage":"Successful", "originalReferenceNo":"2020102977770000000009", "originalPartnerReferenceNo":"1233", "additionalInfo":{ "amount":"2000000.00", "currency":"IDR", "merchantTrxId":"" } }
Error Response :
{ "responseCode":"5040400", "responseMessage":"Timeout" }
List of Error/Response Code
HTTP Status |
Service Code |
Case Code |
Status |
Response Message |
Description |
200 |
04 |
00 |
Success |
Successful |
400 |
04 |
01 |
Failed |
Invalid Field Format |
Invalid format |
400 |
04 |
02 |
Failed |
Invalid Mandatory Field |
Missing or invalid format on mandatory field |
401 |
04 |
02 |
Failed |
Invalid Customer Token |
403 |
04 |
02 |
Failed |
Exceeds Transaction Amount Limit |
403 |
04 |
06 |
Failed |
Feature Not Allowed At This Time. [Reason] |
Feature Not Allowed At This Time. Send OTP Failed. (Send OTP Failed) |
403 |
04 |
12 |
Failed |
OTP Lifetime Expired |
403 |
04 |
15 |
Failed |
Transaction Not Permitted [Reason] |
Transaction Not Permitted. originalReferenceNo does not match (referenceNo and registrationToken does not Match) |
404 |
04 |
15 |
Failed |
Invalid OTP |
OTP is incorrect |
409 |
04 |
00 |
Failed |
Conflict |
500 |
04 |
00 |
Failed |
General Erorr |
504 |
04 |
00 |
Pending |
Timeout |
Any error response not listed in the BRIAPI response list is considered pending and requires further investigation.
C. Card Registration Unbinding
This endpoint is used to delete consumer card data
General Information
HTTP Method |
Path |
snap/v2.0/registration-card-unbind |
Tipe Format |
Authentication |
OAuth 2.0 with Access Token |
Request Structure
Field |
Data Type |
Mandatory |
Length |
Description |
Example |
token |
M |
560 Note : SNAP BI Length (128) |
This is an alphanumeric field which contains the payment token used in a transaction. This field is used during setting token daily limit, purchase, and delete token. This token represent token number of card or token. |
VGLzrr8wdObHoYKbelJRx7FVwez |
Response Structure & Sample
Field |
Data Type |
Mandatory |
Length |
Description |
Example |
responseCode |
String |
M |
7 |
Response code |
2000500 |
responseMessage |
String |
M |
150 |
Response description |
successful |
Request & Response Payload Sample
Request type:
{ "token":"card_.eyJpYXQiOjE3MDc5ODExMjcsImlzcyI6IkJhbmsgQlJJIC0gRENFIiwianRpIjoiNDQ1ZjUwN2MtNzdlOS00NTI5LWExZjUtYjgwYWEzNjRiNjI3IiwicGFydG5lcklkIjoi77-9Iiwic2VydmljZU5hbWUiOiJERF9FWFRFUk5BTF9TRVJWSUNFIn0.nqrdTeBmgDXUvA4B3OrAff4R2irCPB3TFimTh9brW-hHg-bY06opdncbcrtpChio4_b9ra5k1PzSxYUvGl8P76gtBOuaNqUMqMF8dUgwWLVyIuwCSUyMb8KED3wjP6gviEAwAv46rJE4ssK6LLPaTK44dbFvfnO3QDOeOveWdu_3GmsTW8sH5IPdvql_RrBFRhz6ynF0HfD3pdOr4KXmbSD-Y7S3BuzP0U7R9yYDcx4NT5yq_ynGkOt3uM1M1U-e1DyaXgLYh9aci9gGO3fXT-KNjmGUKUBip0TCwQNmrOCAgiNTGG_Z_RQeST0DGKjR_UMvDdZAb8WQCEWJEcqkBQ" }
Normal Response :
{ "responseCode":"2000500", "responseMessage":"Successful" }
Error Response :
{ "responseCode": "4040511", "responseMessage": "Card Token Invalid" }
List of Error/Response Code
HTTP Status |
Service Code |
Case Code |
Status |
Response Message |
Description |
200 |
05 |
00 |
Success |
Successful |
400 |
05 |
01 |
Failed |
Invalid Field Format [field request] |
400 |
05 |
02 |
Failed |
Invalid Mandatory Field [field request] |
401 |
05 |
02 |
Failed |
Invalid Customer Token |
403 |
05 |
08 |
Failed |
Card Expired |
404 |
05 |
11 |
Failed |
Card token invalid |
409 |
05 |
00 |
Failed |
Conflict |
500 |
05 |
00 |
Failed |
General Erorr |
504 |
05 |
00 |
Pending |
Timeout |
Any error response not listed in the BRIAPI response list is considered pending and requires further investigation.