We have a total of 130 API products available to facilitate and enhance transaction effectiveness in your business.
We found 130 APIs based on your keyword and filter choices.
BRIApi Icon_ Batch RDN.png All Data Information

The API is used to see all batch lists

Account Informational Investment
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RDN (Investment Account)

BRIApi Icon_ Batch RDN All Report Pagination.png Data Information By Page

API that functions to get all data but in the form of a page

Account Informational Investment
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RDN (Investment Account)

BRIApi Icon_ Batch RDN Create.png Account Opening

Use this API to submit the opening of the RDN Masal Account

Account Informational Investment
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RDN (Investment Account)

BRIApi Icon_Batch RDN by Batch Number.png Batch Report

The function of this API is to get a report based on a batch number in page form

Account Informational Investment
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RDN (Investment Account)

BRIApi Icon_Batch RDN Report by Branch Pagination.png Branch Report

Function to get a report based on branch numbers in the form of a page

Account Informational Investment
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RDN (Investment Account)

BRIApi Icon_Batch RDN Report by Batch Pagination.png Batch Number Report

To view a list of data based on the batch number

Account Informational Loan
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RDN (Investment Account)

BRIApi Icon_Batch RDN by Branch Number.png Branch Number Report

Used to view a list of data based on branch numbers

Account Informational Investment
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RDN (Investment Account)

BRIApi Icon_Batch RDN by Branch Number (1).png Account Opening Status Information

This API can be used to view a list of data based on status

Account Informational Investment
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RDN (Investment Account)

BRIApi Icon_Batch RDN by Status.png Account Opening Information

Use this API to see the Laportan Detail List in submitting the Opening of the RDN Account

Account Informational Investment
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RDN (Investment Account)

BRIApi Icon_Get Batch MAO.png Batch Number Information

API that functions to get a batch number in submitting the opening of a mass RDN account

Account Informational Investment
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RDN (Investment Account)

BRIApi Icon_Param Product Type Is Aktiv By Branch.png Investment Product Information

This API to see a list of existing product types data

Account Informational Investment
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RDN (Investment Account)

BRIApi Icon_User Configuration Checker by Branch Code.png Checker List Information

Used this API to get a list of data checkers

Account Informational Investment
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RDN (Investment Account)