We have a total of 130 API products available to facilitate and enhance transaction effectiveness in your business.
We found 130 APIs based on your keyword and filter choices.
BRIApi Icon_User Configuration Signer by Branch Code.png Signer List Information

Used this API to get a list of data signs

Account Informational Investment
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RDN (Investment Account)

BRIApi Icon_Whitelist Branch.png Branch List Information

This API Serves to get a list of branch data

Account Informational Investment
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RDN (Investment Account)

cpm QRIS Customer Presented Mode Dynamic

API service that allows merchant to scan the QR from customer's device for QRIS transacitions

Payment Retail SMME Transactional
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BI-fast Transfer between BI-FAST participating banks

Facilitating retail payments in real-time, securely, efficiently, and anytime (24/7).

Payment Transfer Transactional
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info lelang Auction Asset Details

Used to get information about auction asset details.

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Auction Info

List of Auction Asset Data Clean and Clear List of Auction Asset Data Clean and Clear

Used to display a list of auction asset data with complete legal documents, and a fast and easy change ownership process.

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Auction Info

List of Nearby Non-Auction Assets List of Nearby Non-Auction Assets

Used to display the list of Nearby Non-Auction Assets

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Auction Info

Search for Auction Assets Search for Auction Assets

Used to search for auction assets by category, sub-category, type and so on

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Auction Info

Update Status Auction Asset Booking/Cancel Booking Update Status Auction Asset Booking/Cancel Booking

Used to update the status of the Auction Asset to booked/cancel booking

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Auction Info

soldout Update Status Auction Asset Sold

Used to update the status of the Auction Asset to already sold

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Auction Info