Foreign Exchange

Find the information about real-time exchange rates on your app

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What is Foreign Exchange?

Having a business in the global market is fundamentally different than in the domestic market, such as the use of foreign currency. Every global entrepreneurs need to periodically check the fluctuating foreign exchange rates. 

Foreign currency is needed for transactions in the global trade market. Just like local currency, foreign currency has its official rates recorded in the central bank. It can be used for trading, buying, and selling goods, as well as served as the international payment exchange tool, exchange rate controller, and the only option to conduct transactions in the international market. 

BRI offers the competitive exchange rates through BRI Valas for customers’ international transactions. users can make transactions internationally. Business owners can integrate this function by implementing API Foreign Currency by BRIAPI, to provide your customers with real-time foreign exchange rates and make forex transactions from your digital business. 

Available API For Foreign Exchange

Here are some of the APIs we have for Foreign Exchange

info kurs counter

Counter Forex Info

API Info Kurs Counter used to get single counter exchange rate info.

valas nego info

Negoitable Forex Info

API Valas Nego Info was used to obtain a single information negotiable exchange without the use of a dealcode.

check deal code

Transaction Deal Code Information

API Check Deal Code used for inquiry dealcode to briefx.

transaksi valas

Negoitable Forex Transaction

This API is for Forex transaction with negoitable rate

transaksi valas non nego

Counter Forex Transaction

API Transaction Valas Non Nego used to make foreign exchange transactions based on the rate that existed at that time.

inquiry transaksi

Transaction Info

API Inquiry Transaction used to make inquiries about foreign exchange transactions that have been made.

inquiry limit

Transaction Limit Information

This API is for customer to see their transaction limit information