API Docs - Valas 2.0 - Nego Continue
API Information
Title | Valas v2.0 |
Version |
v1.2 |
URL Sandbox |
https://sandbox.partner.api.bri.co.id |
URL Production |
https://partner.api.bri.co.id |
Version Control
Versi Doc | Versi API | Tanggal | Link Dokumen | Deskripsi |
v1.0 |
v2.0 |
14 Oct 2022 |
Di sini | Versi awal. |
v1.1 |
v2.0 |
22 Dec 2022 |
Menambahkan info mandatory dan length field pada struktur request seluruh endpoint | |
v1.2 | v2.0 | 30 Mar 2023 | Di sini | Menambahkan RC 4038209 "Dormant Account" pada Endpoint Transaction Valas dan Transaction Valas Non Nego |
v1.3 | v2.0 | 19 May 2023 | Di sini | Menambahkan RC 4038215 "Transaction Not Permitted. Duplicate Jurnal Sequence" pada Endpoint Transaction Valas dan Transaction Valas Non Nego |
v1.4 | v2.0 | 07 Aug 2023 | Di sini | Mengubah mandatory "M" menjadi "O" pada field originalPartnerReferenceNo untuk endpoint Inquiry Transaction |
v1.5 | v2.0 | 03 Apr 2024 | Halaman ini | Menambahkan endpoint "Rate Profile", "Nego Rate Profile" dan "Nego Continue" |
Deskripsi Produk
Penjelasan Produk
Dokumen ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan spesifikasi API dari pengembangan Valas 2.0 dengan detail endpoint sebagai berikut :
- Get Token
- Valas Nego Info
- Check Deal Code
- Transaction Valas
- Transaction Valas Non Nego
- Inquiry Transaction
- Inquiry Limit
- Info Kurs Counter
- Upload Underlying
- Info Kurs Rate Profile
- Nego Rate Profile
- Nego Continue
Flow API

A. Get Token
Endpoint Description
Endpoint ini digunakan untuk menghasilkan token yang harus disertakan di setiap panggilan API. Letakkan token ini pada atribut Authorization yang ada di Header.
Method | Environment | URL |
POST | Sandbox | https://sandbox.partner.api.bri.co.id/oauth/client_credential/accesstoken?grant_type=client_credentials |
POST | Production | https://partner.api.bri.co.id/oauth/client_credential/accesstoken?grant_type=client_credentials |
Header Data
Array Field |
M/O |
Format |
Content-Type |
M |
application/x-www-form-urlencoded |
Request Data
Array Field |
Data Type |
M/O |
Information |
client_id |
string |
M |
Consumer key |
client_secret |
string |
M |
Consumer secret |
Sebagai tambahan penjagaan keamanan dalam setiap API request, BRIAPI menggunakan signature untuk memastikan bahwa data di dalam setiap request dan response tidak bisa dibajak dan ditiru oleh pengguna yang tidak sah. Signature memastikan data yang dikirimkan adalah asli dan tidak bisa disanggah. Signature dihasilkan oleh pemakai layanan dan diverifikasi oleh penerima layanan. Signature dibentuk dari payload yang sudah ditentukan, dengan mengimplementasikan algoritma SHA256-HMAC dengan Consumer Secret sebagai kuncinya. Kemudian, akan dilakukan enkripsi dari signature ini dengan menggunakan Base64. Hasil akhirnya akan diletakkan di atribut BRI-Signature di Header.
Payload terdiri dari path, verb, token, timestamp, dan body.
path=/v1.0/bansos/binding &verb=POST&token=BearerR04XSUbnm1GXNmDiXx9ysWMpFWBr×tamp=2019-01-02T13:14:15.678Z&body=
Detail setiap elemen di dalam payload dijelaskan di bawah ini:
Nilai untuk path adalah URL setelah hostname dan port tanpa query parameters.
from https://sandbox.partner.api.bri.co.id/v1.0/bansos/binding/ to /v1.0/bansos/binding
Method HTTP dengan huruf kapital.
Token yang dipakai di header Authorization.
Bearer R04XSUbnm1GXNmDiXx9ysWMpFWBr
Timestamp persis saat anda memanggil API. Format timestamp mengikuti format ISO8601 (yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.SSSZ). Harus dalam zero UTC offset.
Body Request untuk dipanggil di API.
If there is no request body, such as on GET call, leave it empty. Example:
B. Valas Nego Info
Endpoint Deskripsi
API Valas Nego Info digunakan untuk mendapatkan single info kurs nego tanpa dealcode.
General Information
HTTP Method | POST |
Path | /v2.0/valas-info/kurs-nego |
Type Format | JSON |
Authentication | OAuth 2.0 |
Header Structure
Key | Value | Mandatory | Panjang | Deskripsi | Contoh |
Content-Type |
application/json |
M |
- |
Authorization |
Bearer {token} |
M |
- |
Token OAuth 2.0 |
BRI-Signature |
M |
64 |
Signature |
BRI-Timestamp |
M |
- |
Timestamp Timestamp Waktu dimana anda memanggil API. Format waktu yang digunakan mengacu ke format ISO8601 (yyyy-MMddTHH:mm:ss.SSSZ). Waktu tersebut harus dalam UTC nol. |
2020-01- 15T17:01: 11+07:00 |
partnerCode |
M |
- |
Kode Partner |
Request Structure
Field |
Data Type |
Mandatory |
Panjang |
Deskripsi |
Contoh |
dealtCurrency |
String |
M |
3 |
counterCurrency | String | M | 3 | IDR |
Struktur Request
Field |
Data Type |
Mandatory |
Panjang |
Deskripsi |
Contoh |
responseCode |
String |
M |
7 |
Kode Respon |
2008200 |
responseMessage |
String |
M |
150 |
Detai Respon |
Successful |
data |
Object |
M |
Detail isian object data terdapat pada tabel dibawah ini |
Structure within "data" Object
Field |
Data Type |
Mandatory |
Panjang |
Deskripsi |
Contoh |
currencyPair |
String |
M |
currency1 |
String |
M |
currency2 |
String |
M |
buy |
String |
M |
15669.0000 |
sell |
String |
M |
15689.0000 |
lastestUpdate |
String |
M |
2022-11-30T16:31:24.26 |
Contoh Request & Response Payload Sample
Request :
{ "dealtCurrency":"USD", "counterCurrency":"IDR" }
Normal Response :
{ "responseCode":"2008200", "responseMessage":"Successful", "data":{ "currencyPair":"USD-IDR", "currency1":"USD", "currency2":"IDR", "buy":"15669.0000", "sell":"15689.0000", "lastestUpdate":"2022-11-30T16:31:24.26" } }
Erorr Response :
{ "responseCode":"4008201", "responseMessage":"Invalid Field Format dealtCurrency" }
Daftar Error/Kode Respon
HTTP Status |
Kode Respon |
Status |
Detai Respon |
Deskripsi |
200 |
2008200 |
Success |
Successful |
Success |
400 |
0601 |
Gagal |
Invalid Token |
400 |
0602 |
Gagal |
Invalid Signature |
400 |
0109 |
Gagal |
Invalid request parameter |
400 |
4008201 |
Gagal |
Invalid Mandatory Field {field name} |
400 |
4008202 |
Gagal |
Invalid Field Format {field name} |
Request length, format tidak sesuai |
401 |
4018200 |
Gagal |
Unauthorized Client |
400 |
4008222 |
Gagal |
Bad Request |
403 |
4038215 |
Gagal |
Transaction Not Found |
403 |
4038215 |
Gagal |
Transaction Not Permitted.Currency Pair Not Found |
Currency List tidak terdaftar disisi backend (ESB) |
504 |
5048200 |
Gagal |
Timeout | Response time melebihi batas timeout di apigee (55s) dan service |
500 |
5008200 |
Gagal |
General Error |
Seluruh response error yang tidak tercantum dalam list response BRIAPI memiliki status pending dan perlu dilakukan pengecekan
C. Check Deal Code
Endpoint Description
API Check Deal Code digunakan untuk inquiry dealcode ke briefx.
General Information
HTTP Method | POST |
Path | /v2.0/valas-transaction/nego/dealcode |
Type Format | JSON |
Authentication | OAuth 2.0 |
Header Structure
Key | Value | Mandatory | Panjang | Deskripsi | Contoh |
Content-Type |
application/json |
M |
- |
Authorization |
Bearer {token} |
M |
- |
Token OAuth 2.0 |
BRI-Signature |
M |
64 |
Signature |
BRI-Timestamp |
M |
- |
Timestamp Timestamp Waktu dimana anda memanggil API. Format waktu yang digunakan mengacu ke format ISO8601 (yyyy-MMddTHH:mm:ss.SSSZ). Waktu tersebut harus dalam UTC nol. |
2020-01- 15T17:01: 11+07:00 |
partnerCode |
M |
- |
Kode Partner |
Request Structure
Field |
Data Type |
Mandatory |
Panjang |
Deskripsi |
Contoh |
dealCode |
String |
M |
O0003540 |
Response Structure
Field |
Data Type |
Mandatory |
Panjang |
Deskripsi |
Contoh |
responseCode |
String |
M |
7 |
Kode Respon |
2008200 |
responseMessage |
String |
M |
150 |
Detail Respon |
Successful |
data |
Object |
M |
Detail isian object data terdapat pada tabel dibawah ini |
Structure within "data" Object
Field |
Data Type |
Mandatory |
Panjang |
Deskripsi |
Contoh |
dealNumber |
String |
M |
O0761674 |
dealDate |
String |
M |
2022-12-05T10:29:07.067 |
valueDate |
String |
M |
2022-12-05T00:00:00 |
debitCurrency |
String |
M |
creditCurrency |
String |
M |
debitAmount |
Numerric |
M |
12.27 |
creditAmount |
Numerric |
M |
10.00 |
dealRate |
Numerric |
M |
1.2273 |
buyRate |
Numerric |
M |
13819.8280 |
sellRate |
Numerric |
M |
16961.0750 |
timeExpired |
String |
M |
2022-12-05T23:45:00 |
Contoh Request & Response Payload Sample
Request :
{ "dealCode":"O0003540" }
Normal Response :
{ "responseCode":"2008200", "responseMessage":"Successful", "data":{ "dealNumber":"O0761674", "dealDate":"2022-12-05T10:29:07.067", "valueDate":"2022-12-05T00:00:00", "debitCurrency":"USD", "creditCurrency":"EUR", "debitAmount":"12.27", "creditAmount":"10.00", "dealRate":"1.2273", "buyRate":"13819.8280", "sellRate":"16961.0750", "timeExpired":"2022-12-05T23:45:00" } }
Erorr Response :
{ "responseCode":"4008222", "responseMessage":"Dealcode Expired" }
Daftar Error/Kode Respon
HTTP Status |
Kode Respon |
Status |
Detail Respon |
Deskripsi |
200 |
2008200 |
Success |
Successful |
Success |
400 |
0601 |
Gagal |
Invalid Token |
400 |
0602 |
Gagal |
Invalid Signature |
400 |
0109 |
Gagal |
Invalid request parameter |
400 |
4008201 |
Gagal |
Invalid Mandatory Field {field name} |
400 |
4008202 |
Gagal |
Invalid Field Format {field name} |
Request length, format tidak sesuai |
400 |
4008200 |
Gagal |
Bad Request |
401 |
4018200 |
Gagal |
Unauthorized Client |
400 |
4008222 |
Gagal |
Dealcode Expired |
403 |
4038215 |
Gagal |
Transaction Not Permitted.dealcode already used |
Response Parameter “status” Backend memiliki value "SLU", "SK", "STOK", "GK" atau selain status “IN” dan status yang telah disebutkan |
403 |
4038215 |
Gagal |
Transaction Not Permitted.value date does not match today’s date |
Transaksi pada dealCode tidak untuk hari yang di set |
403 |
4038215 |
Gagal |
Transaction Not Permitted. Inquiry Delcode Failed. |
dealCode tidak ada |
504 |
5048200 |
Gagal |
Timeout | Response time melebihi batas timeout di apigee (55s) dan service |
500 |
5008200 |
Gagal |
General Error |
Seluruh response error yang tidak tercantum dalam list response BRIAPI memiliki status pending dan perlu dilakukan pengecekan
D. Transaction Valas
Endpoint Description
API Transaction Valas digunakan untuk melakukan transaksi valas berdasarkan rate yang ada saat itu.
General Information
HTTP Method | POST |
Path | /v2.0/valas-transaction/nego |
Type Format | JSON |
Authentication | OAuth 2.0 |
Header Structure
Key | Value | Mandatory | Length | Description | Example |
Content-Type |
application/json |
M |
- |
Authorization |
Bearer {token} |
M |
- |
Token OAuth 2.0 |
BRI-Signature |
M |
64 |
Signature |
BRI-Timestamp |
M |
- |
Timestamp Timestamp Waktu dimana anda memanggil API. Format waktu yang digunakan mengacu ke format ISO8601 (yyyy-MMddTHH:mm:ss.SSSZ). Waktu tersebut harus dalam UTC nol. |
2020-01- 15T17:01: 11+07:00 |
partnerCode |
M |
- |
Kode Partner |
Request Structure
Field |
Data Type |
Mandatory |
Panjang |
Deskripsi |
Contoh |
debitAccount |
String |
M |
15 |
030702000141509 |
creditAccount | String | M | 15 | 034401083104504 | |
dealCode | String | M | O0003540 | ||
remark | String | 15 | 374628374 | ||
partnerReferenceNo | String | M | 64 | 6278163827789 | |
underlyingReference | String | C |
Response Structure
Field |
Data Type |
Mandatory |
Panjang |
Deskripsi |
Contoh |
responseCode |
String |
M |
7 |
Kode Respon |
2008200 |
responseMessage |
String |
M |
150 |
Detail Respon |
Successful |
data |
Object |
M |
Detail isian object data terdapat pada tabel dibawah ini |
Structure within "data" Object
Field |
Data Type |
Mandatory |
Panjang |
Deskripsi |
Contoh |
referenceNo |
String |
8757771 |
partnerReferenceNo |
String |
6278163827789 |
dealCode |
String |
O0003540 |
buy |
String |
14000.00 |
sell |
String |
1.00 |
debitAmount |
String |
11.00 |
creditAmount |
String |
154000.00 |
remark | String | 374628374 |
Contoh Request & Response Payload Sample
Request :
{ "debitAccount": "030702000141509", "creditAccount": "034401083104504", "dealCode": "O0003540", "remark": "374628374", "partnerReferenceNo": "6278163827789", "underlyingReference": ""/CONDITIONAL }
Normal Response :
{ "responseCode":"2008200", "responseMessage":"Successful", "data":{ "referenceNo":"8759384", "partnerReferenceNo":"6278163827813", "dealCode":"O0003540", "buy":"14000.00", "sell":"1.00", "debitAmount":"11.00", "creditAmount":"154000.00", "remark":"374628374" } }
Erorr Response :
{ "responseCode":"4038215", "responseMessage":"Transaction Not Permitted. Inquiry Failed" }
Daftar Error/Kode Respon
HTTP Status |
Kode Respon |
Status |
Detail Respon |
Deskripsi |
200 |
2008200 |
Success |
Successful |
Success |
400 |
0601 |
Gagal |
Invalid Token |
400 |
0602 |
Gagal |
Invalid Signature |
400 |
0109 |
Gagal |
Invalid request parameter |
400 |
4008201 |
Gagal |
Invalid Mandatory Field {field name} |
400 |
4008202 |
Gagal |
Invalid Field Format {field name} |
Request length, format tidak sesuai |
400 |
4008200 |
Gagal |
Bad Request |
400 |
4018200 |
Gagal |
Unauthorized Client |
400 |
4008222 |
Gagal |
Dealcode Expired |
403 |
4038209 |
Gagal |
Dormant Account | Akun tidak aktif |
403 |
4038215 |
Gagal |
Transaction Not Permitted.dealcode already used |
Response Parameter “status” Backend memiliki value "SLU", "SK", "STOK", "GK" atau selain status “IN” dan status yang telah disebutkan |
403 |
4038215 |
Gagal |
Transaction Not Permitted.value date does not match today’s date |
Transaksi pada dealCode tidak untuk hari yang di set |
403 |
4038215 |
Gagal |
Transaction Not Permitted. Inquiry Delcode Failed. |
dealCode Tidak ada |
403 |
4038215 |
Gagal |
Transaction Not Permitted. Inquiry Delcode Failed. |
Jurnal Sequence Duplikat |
403 |
4038218 |
Gagal |
Inactive Account |
debitAccount atau creditAccount sudah tidak aktif atau Rekening Tidak Bisa Ditarik |
403 |
4038206 |
Gagal |
Feature Not Allowed At This Time. Must Upload Underlying |
Transaksi melebihi limit, harus melakukan upload underlying |
404 |
4048211 |
Gagal |
Invalid Account |
debitAccount / creditAccount yang dimasukkan tidak valid |
404 |
4048245 |
Gagal |
debitAccount Not Found |
debitAccount tidak ditemukan |
400 |
4008224 |
Gagal |
Transaction Over Limit |
Melebihi limit untuk melakukan transaksi |
404 |
4048241 |
Gagal |
Invalid underlyingReference |
Missing input underlyingReference |
404 |
4048242 |
Gagal |
Expired underlyingReference |
underlyingReference sudah melewati masa aktif (1 hari) |
404 |
4048243 |
Gagal |
underlyingReference already in uses |
underlyingReference sudah digunakan |
403 |
4038214 |
Gagal |
Insufficient Funds |
Saldo tidak cukup |
403 |
4038215 |
Gagal |
Transaction Not Permitted. Currency discrepency |
debitAccount/creditAccount yang direquest tidak sesuai mata uang yang di input |
403 |
4038215 |
Gagal |
Transaction Not Permitted.Transaction is not supported |
Transaksi tidak bisa diteruskan |
400 |
4008213 |
Gagal |
Invalid BRI External ID |
Duplicate BRI EXTERNAL ID di header |
409 |
4098201 |
Gagal |
Duplicate partnerReferenceNo |
partnerReferenceNo sudah digunakan (harus unik) |
504 |
5048200 |
Gagal |
Timeout | Response time melebihi batas timeout di apigee (55s) dan service |
500 |
5008200 |
Gagal |
General Error |
Seluruh response error yang tidak tercantum dalam list response BRIAPI memiliki status pending dan perlu dilakukan pengecekan
E. Transaction Valas Non Nego
Endpoint Description
API Transaction Valas Non Nego digunakan untuk melakukan transaksi valas berdasarkan rate yang ada saat itu
General Information
HTTP Method | POST |
Path | /v2.0/valas-transaction/counter |
Type Format | JSON |
Authentication | OAuth 2.0 |
Header Structure
Key | Value | Mandatory | Panjang | Deskripsi | Contoh |
Content-Type |
application/json |
M |
- |
Authorization |
Bearer {token} |
M |
- |
Token OAuth 2.0 |
BRI-Signature |
M |
64 |
Signature |
BRI-Timestamp |
M |
- |
Timestamp Timestamp Waktu dimana anda memanggil API. Format waktu yang digunakan mengacu ke format ISO8601 (yyyy-MMddTHH:mm:ss.SSSZ). Waktu tersebut harus dalam UTC nol. |
2020-01- 15T17:01: 11+07:00 |
partnerCode |
M |
- |
Kode Partner |
Request Structure
Field |
Data Type |
Mandatory |
Panjang |
Deskripsi |
Example |
debitAccount |
String |
M |
15 |
030702000141509 |
creditAccount |
String |
M |
15 |
034401083104504 |
debitCurrency |
String |
M |
3 |
creditCurrency |
String |
M |
3 |
debitAmount |
String |
M |
3.00 |
remark |
String |
15 |
374628374 |
partnerReferenceNo |
String |
M |
64 |
6278163827120 |
Response Structure
Field |
Data Type |
Mandatory |
Panjang |
Deskripsi |
Contoh |
responseCode |
String |
7 |
Kode Respon |
2008200 |
responseMessage |
String |
150 |
Detail Respon |
Successful |
data |
Object |
Detail isian object data terdapat pada tabel dibawah ini |
Structure within "data" Object
Field |
Data Type |
Mandatory |
Panjang |
Deskripsi |
Contoh |
referenceNo |
String |
8759248 |
partnerReferenceNo |
String |
6278163827789 |
buy |
String |
13955.00 |
sell |
String |
1.00 |
DebitAmount |
String |
3.00 |
CreditAmount |
String |
41865.00 |
remark |
String |
374628374 |
Contoh Request & Response Payload Sample
Request :
{ "debitAccount":"030702000141509", "creditAccount":"034401083104504", "debitCurrency":"USD", "creditCurrency":"IDR", "debitAmount":"3.00", "remark":"374628374", "partnerReferenceNo":"6278163827120" }
Normal Response :
{ "responseCode":"2008200", "responseMessage":"Successful", "data":{ "referenceNo":"8759248", "partnerReferenceNo":"6278163827120", "buy":"13955.00", "sell":"1.00", "DebitAmount":"3.00", "CreditAmount":"41865.00", "remark":"374628374" } }
Erorr Response :
{ "responseCode":"4098201", "responseMessage":"Duplicate partnerReferenceNo" }
List of Error/Response Code
HTTP Status |
Response Code |
Status |
Detail Respon |
Description |
200 |
2008200 |
Success |
Successful |
Success |
400 |
0601 |
Gagal |
Invalid Token |
400 |
0602 |
Gagal |
Invalid Signature |
400 |
0109 |
Gagal |
Invalid request parameter |
400 |
4008201 |
Gagal |
Invalid Mandatory Field {field name} |
400 |
4008202 |
Gagal |
Invalid Field Format {field name} |
Request length, format tidak sesuai |
400 |
4008200 |
Gagal |
Bad Request |
401 |
4018200 |
Gagal |
Unauthorized Client |
404 |
4048245 |
Gagal |
debitAccount Not Found | debitAccount tidak ditemukan |
400 |
4008224 |
Gagal |
Transaction Over Limit | Transaksi tidak bisa diteruskan |
403 |
4038209 |
Gagal |
Dormat Account | Akun tidak aktif |
403 |
4038214 |
Gagal |
Insufficient Funds | Saldo tidak cukup |
403 |
4038215 |
Gagal |
Transaction Not Permitted.Currency discrepency | debitAccount/creditAccount yang direquest tidak sesuai mata uang yang di input |
403 |
4038215 |
Gagal |
Transaction Not Permitted.Transaction is not supported | Transaksi tidak bisa diteruskan |
400 |
4008213 |
Gagal |
Invalid BRI External ID | Duplicate BRI EXTERNAL ID di header |
403 |
4038215 |
Gagal |
Transaction Not Permitted.Unused Parameter | Terdapat Field creditAmount di body Request |
403 |
4038215 |
Gagal |
Transaction Not Permitted. Duplicate Jurnal Sequence | Jurnal Sequence Duplikat |
404 |
4048213 |
Gagal |
Invalid Amount | Input debitAmount “0” atau kurang dari 1 |
404 |
4048211 |
Gagal |
Invalid Account | debitAccount / creditAccount yang dimasukkan tidak valid |
403 |
4038218 |
Gagal |
Inactive Account | debitAccount atau creditAccount sudah tidak aktif |
409 |
4098201 |
Gagal |
Duplicate partnerReferenceNo | partnerReferenceNo sudah digunakan (harus unik) |
504 | 5048200 | Gagal | Timeout | Response time melebihi batas timeout di apigee (55s) dan service |
500 | 5008200 | Gagal | General Error |
Seluruh response error yang tidak tercantum dalam list response BRIAPI memiliki status pending dan perlu dilakukan pengecekan
F. Inquiry Transaction
Endpoint Description
API Inquiry Transaction digunakan untuk melakukan inquiry dari transaksi valas yang sudah dilakukan.
General Information
HTTP Method | POST |
Path | /v2.0/valas-transaction/inquiry |
Type Format | JSON |
Authentication | OAuth 2.0 |
Header Structure
Key | Value | Mandatory | Panjang | Deskripsi | Contoh |
Content-Type |
application/json |
M |
- |
Authorization |
Bearer {token} |
M |
- |
Token OAuth 2.0 |
BRI-Signature |
M |
64 |
Signature |
BRI-Timestamp |
M |
- |
Timestamp Timestamp Waktu dimana anda memanggil API. Format waktu yang digunakan mengacu ke format ISO8601 (yyyy-MMddTHH:mm:ss.SSSZ). Waktu tersebut harus dalam UTC nol. |
2020-01- 15T17:01: 11+07:00 |
partnerCode |
M |
- |
Kode Partner |
rxEG1EMYHQ ZMgb3 |
Request Structure
Field |
Data Type |
Mandatory |
Panjang |
Deskripsi |
Example |
originalPartnerReferenceNo |
String |
O |
64 |
6278163827789 |
originalReferenceNo |
String |
M |
64 |
8757771 |
Response Structure
Field |
Data Type |
Mandatory |
Panjang |
Deskripsi |
Contoh |
responseCode |
String |
7 |
Kode Respon |
2008200 |
responseMessage |
String |
150 |
Detail Respon |
Successful |
data |
Object |
Detail isian object data terdapat pada tabel dibawah ini |
Structure within "data" Object
Field |
Data Type |
Mandatory |
Panjang |
Deskripsi |
Contoh |
originalPartnerReferenceNo |
String |
62791638699848 |
originalReferenceNo |
String |
7540140 |
dealCode |
String |
AP60136176 |
buy |
String |
10698.2569 |
sell |
String |
126.9504 |
amount |
String |
100979.86 |
remark |
String |
3746283742343454555445567788776 5544345671234512345123451234561 23 |
originalTransactionStatusCode |
String |
00 |
originalTransactionStatus |
String |
Transaction approved |
debitAmount |
String |
100979.86 |
creditAmount |
String |
84344627.11 |
Contoh Request & Response Payload Sample
Request :
{ "originalPartnerReferenceNo":"6278163827789", "originalReferenceNo":"8757771" }
Normal Response :
{ "responseCode":"2008200", "responseMessage":"Successful", "data":{ "originalPartnerReferenceNo":"62791638699848", "originalReferenceNo":"7540140", "dealCode":"AP60136176", "buy":"10698.2569", "sell":"126.9504", "debitAmount":"100979.86", "creditAmount":"84344627.11", "remark":"3746283742343454555445567788776554434567123451234512345123456123", "originalTransactionStatusCode":"00", "originalTransactionStatus":"Transaction approved" } }
Erorr Response :
{ "responseCode":"4048201", "responseMessage":"Transaction Not Found" }
List of Error/Response Code
HTTP Status |
Response Code |
Status |
Detail Respon |
Deskripsi |
200 |
2008200 |
Success |
Successful |
Success |
400 |
0601 |
Gagal |
Invalid Token |
400 |
0602 |
Gagal |
Invalid Signature |
400 |
0109 |
Gagal |
Invalid request parameter |
400 |
4008201 |
Gagal |
Invalid Mandatory Field {field name} |
400 |
4008202 |
Gagal |
Invalid Field Format {field name} |
Request length, format tidak sesuai |
400 |
4008200 |
Gagal |
Bad Request |
401 |
4018200 |
Gagal |
Unauthorized Client |
404 |
4048201 |
Gagal |
Transaction Not Found |
d originalPartnerReferenceNo & originalRefrenceNo tidak ada |
504 |
5048200 |
Gagal |
Timeout | Response time melebihi batas timeout di apigee (55s) dan service |
500 |
5008200 |
Gagal |
General Error |
Seluruh response error yang tidak tercantum dalam list response BRIAPI memiliki status pending dan perlu dilakukan pengecekan
G. Inquiry Limit
Deskripsi Endpoint
API Inquiry Limit digunakan untuk check limit harian nasabah.
General Information
HTTP Method | POST |
Path | /v2.0/valas-transaction/inquiry-limit |
Type Format | JSON |
Authentication | OAuth 2.0 |
Header Structure
Key | Value | Mandatory | Panjang | Deskripsi | Contoh |
Content-Type |
application/json |
M |
- |
Authorization |
Bearer {token} |
M |
- |
Token OAuth 2.0 |
BRI-Signature |
M |
64 |
Signature |
BRI-Timestamp |
M |
- |
Timestamp Timestamp Waktu dimana anda memanggil API. Format waktu yang digunakan mengacu ke format ISO8601 (yyyy-MMddTHH:mm:ss.SSSZ). Waktu tersebut harus dalam UTC nol. |
2020-01- 15T17:01: 11+07:00 |
partnerCode |
M |
- |
Kode Partner |
rxEG1EMYHQ ZMgb3 |
Request Structure
Field |
Data Type |
Mandatory |
Panjang |
Deskripsi |
Contoh |
debitAccount |
String |
M |
15 |
020602000008513 |
Response Structure
Field |
Data Type |
Mandatory |
Panjang |
Deskripsi |
Contoh |
responseCode |
String |
7 |
Kode Respon |
2008200 |
responseMessage |
String |
150 |
Detail Respon |
Successful |
data |
object |
Detail isian object data terdapat pada tabel dibawah ini |
Structure within "data" Object
Field |
Data Type |
Mandatory |
Panjang |
Deskripsi |
Contoh |
totalTransaction |
String |
0 |
underlyingThreshold |
String |
25000 |
underlyingFormulas |
String |
Request & Response Payload Sample
Request :
{ "debitAccount": "020602000008513" }
Normal Response :
{ "responseCode": "2008200", "responseMessage": "Successful", "data": { "totalTransaction": 0, "underlyingThreshold": "25000", "underlyingFormulas": "PER_BULAN" } }
Erorr Response :
{ "responseCode": "4008202", "responseMessage": "Invalid Mandatory Field debitAccount" }
List of Error/Response Code
HTTP Status |
Response Code |
Status |
Detail Respon |
Deskripsi |
200 |
2008200 |
Success |
Successful |
Success |
400 |
0601 |
Gagal |
Invalid Token |
400 |
0602 |
Gagal |
Invalid Signature |
400 |
0109 |
Gagal |
Invalid request parameter |
400 |
4008201 |
Gagal |
Invalid Mandatory Field {field name} |
400 |
4008202 |
Gagal |
Invalid Field Format {field name} |
Request length, format tidak sesuai |
400 |
4008200 |
Gagal |
Bad Request |
401 |
4018200 |
Gagal |
Unauthorized Client |
404 |
4048245 |
Gagal |
debitAccount Not Found | debitAccount tidak ditemukan |
504 |
5048200 |
Gagal |
Timeout | Response time melebihi batas timeout di apigee (55s) dan service |
500 |
5008200 |
Gagal |
General Error |
Seluruh response error yang tidak tercantum dalam list response BRIAPI memiliki status pending dan perlu dilakukan pengecekan
H. Info Kurs Counter
Deskripsi Endpoint
API Info Kurs Counter digunakan untuk mendapatkan single info kurs counter
General Informasi
HTTP Method | POST |
Path | /v2.0/valas-info/kurs-counter |
Type Format | JSON |
Authentication | OAuth 2.0 |
Header Structure
Key |
value |
Mandatory |
Panjang |
Deskripsi |
Contoh |
Content-Type |
application/json |
M |
- |
Authorization |
Bearer {token} |
M |
- |
Token OAuth 2.0 |
BRI-Signature |
M |
64 |
Signature |
BRI-Timestamp |
M |
- |
Timestamp Timestamp Waktu dimana anda memanggil API. Format waktu yang digunakan mengacu ke format ISO8601 (yyyy-MMddTHH:mm:ss.SSSZ). Waktu tersebut harus dalam UTC nol. |
2020-01- 15T17:01: 11+07:00 |
partnerCode |
M |
- |
Kode Partner |
rxEG1EMYHQ ZMgb3 |
Request Structure
Key |
Data Type |
Mandatory |
Panjang |
Deskripsi |
Contoh |
dealtCurrency |
string |
M |
3 |
counterCurrency |
string |
M |
3 |
Response Structure
Field |
Data Type |
Mandatory |
Panjang |
Deskripsi |
Contoh |
responseCode |
string |
7 |
Kode Respon |
2008200 |
responseMessage |
string |
150 |
Detail Respon |
Successful |
data |
Object |
Detail isian object data terdapat pada tabel dibawah ini |
Structure within "data" Object
Field |
Data Type |
Mandatory |
Panjang |
Contoh |
Example |
currency |
String |
counterBuy |
String |
13955.0000 |
counterSell |
String |
14105.0000 |
LastestUpdate |
String |
2022-12-02T13:28:22.1 |
Contoh Request & Response Payload Sample
Request :
{ "dealtCurrency":"USD", "counterCurrency":"IDR" }
Normal Response :
{ "responseCode":"2008200", "responseMessage":"Successful", "data":{ "currency":"USD", "counterBuy":"13955.0000", "counterSell":"14105.0000", "LastestUpdate":"2022-12-02T13:28:22.1" } }
Error Response :
{ "responseCode":"4048201", "responseMessage":"Transaction Not Found" }
Daftar Error/Kode Respon
HTTP Status |
Kode Respon |
Status |
Detai Respon |
Deskripsi |
200 |
2008200 |
Success |
Successful |
Success |
400 |
0601 |
Gagal |
Invalid Token |
400 |
0602 |
Gagal |
Invalid Signature |
400 |
0109 |
Gagal |
Invalid request parameter |
400 |
4008201 |
Gagal |
Invalid Mandatory Field {field name} |
400 |
4008202 |
Gagal |
Invalid Field Format {field name} |
Request length, format tidak sesuai |
401 |
4018200 |
Gagal |
Unauthorized Client |
400 |
4008200 |
Gagal |
Bad Request |
404 |
4048201 |
Gagal |
Transaction Not Found |
403 |
4038215 |
Gagal |
Transaction Not Permitted.Currency Pair Not Found | Currecy List tidak terdaftar di Backend |
504 |
5048200 |
Gagal |
Timeout | Response time melebihi batas timeout di apigee (55s) dan service |
500 |
5008200 |
Gagal |
General Error |
Seluruh response error yang tidak tercantum dalam list response BRIAPI memiliki status pending dan perlu dilakukan pengecekan
I. Upload
Deskripsi Endpoint
API Upload digunakan untuk upload underlying.
General Information
HTTP Method | POST |
Path | /v2.0/valas-transaction/upload-underlying |
Type Format | JSON |
Authentication | OAuth 2.0 |
Header Structure
Key | Value | Mandatory | Panjang | Deskripsi | Contoh |
Content-Type |
application/json |
M |
- |
Authorization |
Bearer {token} |
M |
- |
Token OAuth 2.0 |
BRI-Signature |
M |
64 |
Signature |
BRI-Timestamp |
M |
- |
Timestamp Timestamp Waktu dimana anda memanggil API. Format waktu yang digunakan mengacu ke format ISO8601 (yyyy-MMddTHH:mm:ss.SSSZ). Waktu tersebut harus dalam UTC nol. |
2020-01- 15T17:01: 11+07:00 |
partnerCode |
M |
- |
Kode Respon |
rxEG1EMYHQ ZMgb3 |
Request Structure
Field |
Data Type |
Mandatory |
Panjang |
Deskripsi |
Contoh |
fileData |
base64 |
M |
File dengan maksimal size 5MB |
{inputan base64}} |
fileName |
String |
M |
Nama File |
fileNameTest |
Response Structure
Field |
Data Type |
Mandatory |
Panjang |
Deskripsi |
Contoh |
responseCode |
String |
7 |
Kode Respon |
2008200 |
responseMessage |
String |
150 |
Detail Respon |
Successful |
data |
object |
Detail isian object data terdapat pada tabel dibawah ini |
Response Structure in object"data"
Field |
Data Type |
Mandatory |
Panjang |
Deskripsi |
Contoh |
underlyingReference |
String |
1669089033515629956 |
Contoh Request & Response Payload Sample
Request :
curl --location --request POST 'https://sandbox.partner.api.bri.co.id/v2.0/valas/upload-underlying' \ --header 'BRI-Signature: {{signature}}' \ --header 'BRI-Timestamp: {{timestamp}}' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --header 'partnerCode: rxEG1EMYHQZMgb3' \ --data-raw '{ "fileData": "{Inputan Base64}", "fileName": "fileNameTest" }'
Normal Response :
{ "responseCode":"2008200", "responseMessage":"Successful", "data":{ "underlyingReference":"1669089033515629956" } }
Erorr Response :
{ "responseCode":"4008201", "responseMessage":"Invalid Field Format fileName" }
List of Error/Response Code
HTTP Status |
Kode Respon |
Status |
Detail Respon |
Deskripsi |
200 |
2008200 |
Success |
Successful |
Success |
400 |
0601 |
Gagal |
Invalid Token |
400 |
0602 |
Gagal |
Invalid Signature |
400 |
0109 |
Gagal |
Invalid request parameter |
400 |
4008201 |
Gagal |
Invalid Mandatory Field {field name} |
400 |
4008202 |
Gagal |
Invalid Field Format {field name} |
Request length, format does not match |
400 |
4008200 |
Gagal |
Bad Request |
401 |
4018200 |
Gagal |
Unauthorized Client |
403 |
4038215 |
Gagal |
Transaction Not Permitted.Files too big |
Uploaded files exceed 10 MB |
403 |
4038215 |
Gagal |
Transaction Not Permitted. Duplicate filename. |
Already Existing File Name |
413 |
- |
Gagal |
Request Entity Too Large |
Uploaded files exceed 5 MB |
504 |
5048200 |
Gagal |
Timeout | Response time exceeds the timeout limit in apigee (55s) and service |
500 |
5008200 |
Gagal |
General Error |
Seluruh response error yang tidak tercantum dalam list response BRIAPI memiliki status pending dan perlu dilakukan pengecekan
J. Info Kurs Rate Profile
Deskripsi Endpoint
API Info Kurs Rate Profile digunakan untuk mendapatkan info dari kurs Rate Profile
General Information
HTTP Method | POST |
Path | /v2.0/valas-info/rate-profile |
Type Format | JSON |
Authentication | OAuth 2.0 |
Header Structure
Key | Value | Mandatory | Panjang | Deskripsi | Contoh |
Content-Type |
application/json |
M |
- |
Authorization |
Bearer {token} |
M |
- |
Token OAuth 2.0 |
BRI-Signature |
M |
64 |
Signature |
BRI-Timestamp |
M |
- |
Timestamp Timestamp Waktu dimana anda memanggil API. Format waktu yang digunakan mengacu ke format ISO8601 (yyyy-MMddTHH:mm:ss.SSSZ). Waktu tersebut harus dalam UTC nol |
2020-01- 15T17:01: 11+07:00 |
partnerCode |
M |
- |
Kode Respon |
rxEG1EMYHQ ZMgb3 |
Request Structure
Field |
Tipe Data |
Mandatory |
Panjang |
Deskripsi |
Contoh |
accountNo |
String |
M |
16 |
0206xxxxxxxxxxxx |
Response Structure
Field |
Data Type |
Mandatory |
Panjang |
Deskripsi |
Contoh |
responseCode |
String |
7 |
Kode Respon |
2008200 |
responseMessage |
String |
150 |
Detail Respon |
Successful |
data |
Array Object |
Detail isian object data terdapat pada tabel dibawah ini |
Response Structure in object"data"
Field |
Data Type |
Mandatory |
Panjang |
Deskripsi |
Contoh |
bid |
String |
14835 |
ask | String | 15055 | |||
currencyPair | String | USD-IDR |
Contoh Request & Response Payload Sample
Request :
{ "accountNo": "0206xxxxxxxxxxxx", }
Normal Response :
{ "responseCode": "2008200", "responseMessage": "Successful", "data": [ { "bid": "14835", "ask": "15055", "currencyPair": "USD-IDR" }, { "bid": "16387.656", "ask": "16445.5", "currencyPair": "EUR-IDR" } ] }
Erorr Response :
{ "responseCode": "4048201", "responseMessage": "Transaction Not Found" }
Daftar Error/Kode Respon
HTTP Status |
Kode Respon |
Status |
Detail Respon |
Deskripsi |
200 |
2008200 |
Success |
Successful | Success |
400 |
0601 |
Gagal |
Invalid Token |
400 |
0602 |
Gagal |
Invalid Signature |
400 |
0109 |
Gagal |
Invalid request parameter |
400 |
4008202 |
Gagal |
Invalid Mandatory Field {field name} |
400 |
4008201 |
Gagal |
Invalid Field Format {field name} |
Request length, format tidak sesuai |
401 |
4018200 |
Gagal |
Unauthorized Client |
400 |
4008200 |
Gagal |
Bad Request |
504 |
5048200 |
Gagal |
Timeout |
Response time melebihi batas timeout di apigee (55s) dan service |
500 |
5008200 |
Gagal |
General Error |
Seluruh response error yang tidak tercantum dalam list response BRIAPI memiliki status pending dan perlu dilakukan pengecekan
K. Nego Rate Profile
Deskripsi Endpoint
API Transaksi Nego Rate Profile digunakan untuk melakukan transaksi valas dengan kurs rate profile atau nego nilai kurs
General Information
HTTP Method | POST |
Path | /v2.0/valas-transaction/nego-rate-profile |
Type Format | JSON |
Authentication | OAuth 2.0 |
Header Structure
Key | Value | Mandatory | Panjang | Deskripsi | Contoh |
Content-Type |
application/json |
M |
- |
Authorization |
Bearer {token} |
M |
- |
Token OAuth 2.0 |
BRI-Signature |
M |
64 |
Signature |
BRI-Timestamp |
M |
- |
Timestamp Timestamp the time you called the API. The time format used refers to the ISO 8601 format (yyyy-MMddTHH:mm:ss.SSSZ). The time must be in UTC zero. |
2020-01- 15T17:01: 11+07:00 |
partnerCode |
M |
- |
Partner code |
rxEG1EMYHQ ZMgb3 |
Request Structure
Field |
Data Type |
Mandatory |
Panjang |
Deskripsi |
Contoh |
partnerReferenceNo |
String |
M |
64 |
debitAccount |
String |
M |
16 |
0206xxxxxxxxxxxx |
creditAccount | |||||
debitCurrency | |||||
creditCurrency | |||||
debitAmount | |||||
remark | |||||
debitRate | |||||
underlyingReference |
Response Structure
Field |
Data Type |
Mandatory |
Panjang |
Deskripsi |
Contoh |
responseCode |
String |
M |
7 |
Response code |
2008200 |
responseMessage |
String |
M |
150 |
Response message |
Successful |
data |
object |
Structure within "data" Object
Field |
Data Type |
Mandatory |
Length |
Description |
Example |
referenceNo |
String |
M |
8759384 |
partnerReferenceNo | String | M | 6278163827813 | ||
buy | String | M | USD-IDR | ||
sell | String | M | 14000.00 | ||
debitAmount | String | M | 1.00 | ||
creditAmount | String | M | 154000.00 | ||
remark | String | M | 374628374 |
Request & Response Payload Sample
Request :
{ "partnerReferenceNo":"6278163827120", "debitAccount":"030702000141509", "creditAccount":"034401083104504", "debitCurrency":"EUR", "creditCurrency":"USD", "debitAmount":"10000.00", "remark":"test", "debitRate":"1.0825", "underlyingReference":"1029384756" }
Normal Response :
{ "responseCode":"2008200", "responseMessage":"Successful", "data":{ "referenceNo":"8759384", "partnerReferenceNo":"6278163827813", "buy":"14000.00", "sell":"1.00", "debitAmount":"11.00", "creditAmount":"154000.00", "remark":"374628374" } }
Erorr Response :
{ "responseCode":"4048201", "responseMessage":"Transaction Not Found" }
Daftar Error/Kode Respon
HTTP Status |
Response Code |
Status |
Response Message |
Description |
200 |
2008200 |
Success |
Successful |
Success |
400 |
0601 |
Gagal |
Invalid Token |
400 |
0602 |
Gagal |
Invalid Signature |
400 |
0109 |
Gagal |
Invalid request parameter |
400 |
4008201 |
Gagal |
Invalid Mandatory Field {field name} |
400 |
4008202 |
Gagal |
Invalid Field Format {field name} |
Request length, format tidak sesuai |
400 |
4008200 |
Gagal |
Bad Request |
401 |
4018200 |
Gagal |
Unauthorized Client |
504 |
5048200 |
Gagal |
Timeout | Response time melebihi batas timeout di apigee (55s) dan service |
500 |
5008200 |
Gagal |
General Error |
Seluruh response error yang tidak tercantum dalam list response BRIAPI memiliki status pending dan perlu dilakukan pengecekan
L. Nego Continue
Deskripsi Endpoint
API Transaksi Nego Continue digunakan untuk melanjutkan nego kurs valas yang diajukan oleh partner/merchant.
General Information
HTTP Method | POST |
Path | /v2.0/valas-transaction/continue |
Type Format | JSON |
Authentication | OAuth 2.0 |
Header Structure
Key | Value | Mandatory | Panjang | Deskripsi | Contoh |
Content-Type |
application/json |
M |
- |
Authorization |
Bearer {token} |
M |
- |
Token OAuth 2.0 |
BRI-Signature |
M |
64 |
Signature |
BRI-Timestamp |
M |
- |
Timestamp Timestamp Waktu dimana anda memanggil API. Format waktu yang digunakan mengacu ke format ISO8601 (yyyy-MMddTHH:mm:ss.SSSZ). Waktu tersebut harus dalam UTC nol. |
2020-01- 15T17:01: 11+07:00 |
partnerCode |
M |
- |
Kode Respon |
rxEG1EMYHQ ZMgb3 |
Request Structure
Field |
Data Type |
Mandatory |
Length |
Description |
Example |
debitAccount |
String |
M |
16 |
0206xxxxxxxxxxxx |
creditAccount |
String |
M |
16 |
debitCurrency | String | M | 3 | ||
creditCurrency | String | M | 3 | ||
debitAmount | String | M | |||
debitRate | String | M |
Response Structure
Field |
Data Type |
Mandatory |
Panjang |
Deskrispsi |
Contoh |
responseCode |
String |
7 |
Kode Respon |
2008200 |
responseMessage |
String |
150 |
Detail Respon |
Successful |
additionalInfo |
object |
Structure within "data" Object
Field |
Data Type |
Mandatory |
Panjang |
Deksripsi |
Contoh |
dealCode |
String |
N35227921 |
Request & Response Payload Sample
Request :
{ "partnerReferenceNo":"6278163827120", "debitAccount":"030702000141509", "creditAccount":"034401083104504", "debitCurrency":"EUR", "creditCurrency":"USD", "debitAmount":"10000.00", "debitRate":"1.0825" }
Normal Response :
{ "responseCode":"2008200", "responseMessage":"Successful", "additionalInfo":{ "dealCode":"N35227921" } } }
Erorr Response :
{ "responseCode":"4048201", "responseMessage":"Transaction Not Found" }
Daftar Error/Kode Respon
HTTP Status |
Kode Respon |
Status |
Detail Respon |
Deskripsi |
200 |
2008200 |
Success |
Successful |
Success |
400 |
0601 |
Gagal |
Invalid Token |
400 |
0602 |
Gagal |
Invalid Signature |
400 |
0109 |
Gagal |
Invalid request parameter |
400 |
4008201 |
Gagal |
Invalid Mandatory Field {field name} |
400 |
4008202 |
Gagal |
Invalid Field Format {field name} |
Incorrect field format or length |
400 |
4008200 |
Gagal |
Bad Request |
401 |
4018200 |
Gagal |
Unauthorized Client |
504 |
5048200 |
Gagal |
Timeout | Response time exceeds the timeout limit in apigee (55s) and service |
500 |
5008200 |
Gagal |
General Error |
Seluruh response error yang tidak tercantum dalam list response BRIAPI memiliki status pending dan perlu dilakukan pengecekan