Providing Various Strategic Steps, BRI Helps Create Financial Inclusion

Financial inclusion is a condition where every community has access to various quality, on time, smooth and safe formal financial services at affordable costs according to their individual needs and abilities. Based on the Survei Nasional Literasi Keuangan (SNLIK) conducted by the Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (OJK) in 2019, Indonesia's financial inclusion index stood at 76.19%. This figure has increased by 8.39% when compared to the previous 3 years. The increase in the financial inclusion index is certainly a positive sign regarding equitable economic growth in Indonesia.
As the largest microfinance institution in the world, BRI contributes to accelerate financial inclusion in Indonesia. This effort is proven by the receipt of an award as the best bank in supporting financial inclusion in Indonesia by the Financial Services Authority (OJK).
To realize financial inclusion in Indonesia, BRI has taken various strategic steps. For example, in 2016 BRI launched a satellite called BRIsat. BRI became the first bank in the world to have its own satellite to support operational activities. The launch of this satellite allows BRI to reach all areas of Indonesia, including even remote areas, so that economic growth can also reach these areas.
Among students, BRI is also always active in promoting Simpel (Simpanan Pelajar) or Student Savings, which features free administration fees and affordable deposit values. It is hoped that all students in the future will have access to banking which can provide many benefits for students
In addition, in order to create an inclusive financial ecosystem, BRI also presents BRIAPI, an Open API platform that allows third parties to quickly and safely use the features or functions of financial services from Bank BRI on their platform. Various startups and fintechs have used BRIAPI to develop their businesses
You can also use various API services from BRIAPI, for example to facilitate the transaction process, you can use the BRIVA API or Direct Debit from BRIAPI. As for the company's financial management needs, you can use the API for Balance Information, Account Statement or Bank Transfer from BRIAPI.
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