Create Snap Key

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A. Create Snap Key

1. Open the BRI Developer Site via

2. On the front page of the BRI Developer website, the following screen will appear


3. Before you manage Snap Keys and products, make sure you Login first with the following:

  • On the BRI Developer website, select Login
  • Input User Name or Email Address, Password and CAPTHA
  • Click Login


4. After you have successfully Login in, the Profile Home screen will appear, then select the My Applications menu


5. On the My Applications menu select Add app


6. Then you are welcome to input the App name and select APIs products to Manage Snap Key


7. After the app has been successfully added as shown below, please select the Manage Snap Key menu


8. Select Add Snap Key to add Snap Key


9. After adding the Snap Key select the App Name that has been created and input the Public Key, make sure the data is correct then Save


10. Snap Key has been created successfully
