Find out how to integrate BRIAPI products and the benefits here
Sample Request
curl -X POST 'https://sandbox.partner.api.bri.co.id/v1.2/directdebit/tokens' \ -H 'Authorization: Bearer {{TOKEN}}' \ -H 'BRI-Timestamp: 2019-05-14T02:25:06.379Z' \ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ -H 'X-BRI-Signature: {{SIGNATURE}}' \ -d '{ "body": { "card_pan": "5221123456789101", "phone_number": "6289912345678", "email":"foo.bar@baz.com" } }'
Sample Request
--location --request POST 'https://sandbox.partner.api.bri.co.id/v1/brizzi/topup' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --header 'BRI-Signature: {{SIGNATURE}} \ --header 'BRI-Timestamp: {{TIMESTAMP}}' \ --header 'Authorization: Bearer {{TOKEN}}' \ --data-raw '{ "username": "John Doe", "card_number": "5221123456789101" }'
Sample Request
--location --request
POST 'https://sandbox.partner.api.bri.co.id/v1/briva' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'BRI-Timestamp: 2021-07-07T08:05:09.417Z' \
--header 'BRI-Signature: aNyXGyP26xxxx2be+dysMQJjJevkZua0Bjo=' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer xMxxlgcJtlbmOH3otgev8SXZX' \
--data-raw '{
"institutionCode": "J104408",
"brivaNo": "77777",
"custCode": "1255",
"nama": "John Doe",
"amount": "20000",
"keterangan": "",
"expiredDate": "2019-10-29 09:57:26"
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How to Register
Fill your information and get the access to Sandbox BRIAPI
Create Application
Choose your product then build the application through Sandbox
Get Verified
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