BRI Smart Billing

Brismart Billing API is an application programming interface (API) provided by Bank Rakyat Indonesia (BRI) for third parties, such as retail companies or small and medium-sized enterprises (UMKM), to manage their billing processes.

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What is BRI Smart Billing

Brismart Billing API is an application programming interface (API) provided by Bank Rakyat Indonesia (BRI) for third parties, such as retail companies or small and medium-sized enterprises (UMKM), to manage their billing processes. Through this API, third parties can integrate their company's systems with BRI's Brismart Billing service to manage the billing process for their customers.

The Brismart Billing API is used by third parties whenever they need to manage bills for their customers. The use of this API can occur periodically, depending on the company's schedule and billing needs.

The use of the Brismart Billing API offers several benefits, including:

  1. Administrative Efficiency: The Brismart Billing API allows third parties to automate the billing process, reducing manual administrative work and improving efficiency in billing management.

  2. Billing Control and Management: By using this API, third parties can easily manage and monitor the status of bills, optimize the billing process, and enhance the accuracy of billing data.

  3. Customization Flexibility: The Brismart Billing API provides flexibility for companies to customize the appearance of bills and payment formats to meet their business needs and customer preferences.

The Brismart Billing API is intended for third parties, such as companies or businesses that want to manage their billing processes using BRI's Brismart Billing service. The primary users of this API are companies that require a comprehensive and integrated billing system to streamline their billing management.

To use the Brismart Billing API, third parties need to integrate this API into their software systems or applications. This API provides endpoints and functions needed to manage the billing process, such as recording bills, sending notifications to customers, and receiving payments.

With the Brismart Billing API, third parties can enhance efficiency and management in the billing process for their customers. The use of this API allows companies to provide a better customer experience with ease of bill payment and strengthens overall control over the billing process.

In Practice :

  1. Managing bills becomes easier, cheaper and faster.
  2. Send reminders before the due date,
  3. Calculate the bill amount based on usage, late fees, and process payments directly.

Benefit :

Reporting and Analysis Capabilities :
The Bank Guarantee API allows project owner/beneficiary companies to automate the process of creating bank guarantees, monitoring the status of existing bank guarantees, and making inquiries efficiently without having to involve time-consuming manual processes.
Operational Efficiency :
Automation of the billing process reduces the need for manual work and minimizes human errors. This saves time and resources.
Improved Customer Experience :
Customers receive timely bills and notifications, as well as more flexible payment options.


Available API for BRI Smart Billing

Here are some of the APIs we have for BRI Smart Billing.

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Add Customer

API which aims to add customers who will be the subject of the bill

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Add Customer Group

Use this API to add customers to the group to make it easier for you

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Add fee Type

This API serves to add the type of cost to be billed

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Add invoice

This API service functions for bills for customers or groups of customers that you have created

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Customer Detail Information

Use this API to see all information from customers that have been created

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Customer Group Detail Information

This API serves to see all information from the group of customers that have been created

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Fee Type Information

The API that serves to see all types of bills that have been made

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Invoice Information

Use this API to see information from the bill

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Payment Status Information

Use this API to see information from bill payments

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Update Customer

This API serves to change the customer details that have been previously created

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Update Customer Group

The function of this API is to change the details of the customer group that has been previously created

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Update Feet type

Use this API to change the type or type of bill that has been made